(a) the details of Government media units operating in Gujarat at the time of Gujarat carnage and thereafter;

(b) the details of work done by each of them during and after outbreak of violence in Gujarat so far;

(c) whether some of the units have been withdrawn; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a):Besides All India Radio and Doordarshan, the Units of Press Information Bureau, Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity and the private registered parties of Song & Drama Division were functioning in Gujarat at the time of recent riots in Gujarat and thereafter.

(b): Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad and Rajkot worked together during the said period and thereafter for coverage of news, telecast of programmes, messages on communal harmony, quickies etc.

The two Regional News Units of All India Radio at Ahmedabad and Bhuj worked constantly for restoration of peace in riot affected Gujarat by putting out impartial and objective news stories and news-based programmes. Appeals made by the President, the Prime Minister, the State Governor and the Chief Minister as well as by leaders of political parties and Communities for maintaining communal harmony were included in the news bulletins. The relief packages announced by the State were given wide coverage in the news bulletins.

The Song & Drama Division, Pune Regional Centre deputed the private registered parties for presentation of programmes on the themes of National Integration, Communal Harmony and Anti-terrorism in Gujarat.

The Ahmedabad Unit of Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity put up exhibitions at various places in the State.

The Press Information Bureau offices at Rajkot and Ahmedabad issued articles and features relating to peace and communal harmony. It provided publicity support to Defence and Paramilitary Forces highlighting the role of armed and paramilitary forces in civilian duty. A Sadbhavana Rally was organized with active support of PIB. It also helped in organizing a Seminar on `Role of Media in Communal Harmony and Peace` on 1.5.2002 in Ahmedabad.

(c): No, Sir.

(d): Does not arise.