(a) the steps taken by the Government to implement the recommendations of Sathnam Committee;

(b) the total amount sanctioned during 1999-2000 for modernisation of diagnostic facilities at E.S.I. Hospitals;

(c) whether the Government have issued any directions for physical protection of workers at work places; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : There was no Committee under the name and title of `Sathnam Committee` appointed to study the working of ESI hospitals and dispensaries. However, in July, 1998, the Government had constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Shri S. Sathyam to review medical facilities available in ESI hospitals/dispensaries. The Committee submitted its report on 14.1.1999. The report of the Committee has been referred to the ESIC for taking necessary action. The recommendations of the Committee regarding enhancement of the ceiling on expenditure on medical care from Rs.500/- to Rs.600/- per insured person per annum, issue of photo-identity cards to IPs and family members, creation of medical posts as per the prescribed norms, enhancement of in-house capabilities of ESI hospitals, introduction of Health Record Booklet for each beneficiary, non-reservation in favour of small scale industries for supply of medicines, multi-level quality control checks, deterrent penal action for supply of sub-standard drugs, purchase of medicines in strip packs, adequate delegation of powers to facilitate local purchase of medicines, uniformity in OPD timings etc. have been accepted for implementation in consultation with the State Governments.

(b) : Rs.695.56 lakh.

(c) & (d) : Under the Factories Act, 1948, the management is required to ensure physical protection of workers at work-places by taking measures which, inter-alia, include fencing of machinery, examination of the machinery in motion only by trained adult male workers wearing tight fitting clothing, prohibition of employment of young persons on dangerous machines, providing striking gears/devices to cut off power in emergencies, prohibiting employment of women and children near cotton openers, maintaining permissible limits of exposures of chemical and toxic substances etc.