(a) whether the Government have made any review of the achievements made in the implementation of the Family Planning Programme in the country during the Ninth Five Year Plan period;

(b) if so, the targets fixed, achievements, made and financial assistance provided to each State for the purpose during the said period;

(c) the targets set under the said programme for the Tenth Five Year Plan and the funds allocated and released to each State so far; and

(d) the details of schemes introduced/proposed to be introduced by the Government for desired results under the programme during the Tenth five Year Plan period?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(d): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) The Steering Committee of the Planning Commission on Family Welfare for the 10th Five Year Plan submitted its report in September 2002. The Committee reviewed the progress achieved during the IXth Five Year Plan and also suggested broad strategies for the Xth Plan. It noted that several states have achieved goals set for some components of the RCH Programme during the IXth Plan, demonstrating that these can be achieved within the existing infrastructure, manpower and inputs. For example:

Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal and Maharashtra have shown substantial decline in birth rates; the latter three states are likely to achieve replacement level of fertility, ahead of the projection made.

Punjab has achieved couple protection rate and use of spacing methods far ahead of all other states.

Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have achieved increase in institutional deliveries

Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab and Tamil Nadu improved immunization coverage

Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh had achieved improvement in coverage and quality of antenatal care.

(b) The National Population Policy, 2000 (NPP) affirms the commitment of the government towards voluntary and informed choice while availing of reproductive health services and continuation of target free approach in administering family welfare services.

The progress achieved by states against expected level of performance by 2002 is given at Annexure-I. Funds released to State Governments, during the IXth Five Year Plan and in 2002-03, towards compensation for loss of wages to acceptors of sterilization, are at Annexure-II.

(c) Of the ten monitorable targets fixed for the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07), the following three pertain to the Department of Family Welfare:

Reduction in the decadal rate of population growth between 2001 and 2011 to 16.2%.

Reduction in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) to 45 per thousand live birth by 2007 and 28 by 2012.

Reduction in Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to 2 per thousand live births by 2007 and 1 by 2012.

The level of upscaling of Family Planning services estimated state-wise, in order to achieve the goals of the 10th Plan are given in Annexure-III.

(d) Reduction in fertility, mortality and population growth are major objectives of the 10th Five Year Plan. Towards this end, the Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh is being registered in the Department of Family Welfare with a corpus of Rs. 100 crores for mobilizing funds from the private sector for Family Welfare Program. An Empowered Action Group has been created to focus on the specific unmet needs of the eight socio-demographically lagging States viz. Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Orissa and Rajasthan. In an attempt to improve the service delivery, a proposal for sanctioning 8669 Sub-centres throughout the country is under consideration. Besides, the Government of India has accepted funding for total number of sub-centres, since April 2002. New contraceptives have been added to the programme, namely IUD 380A and the Emergency Contraceptive.

Greater efforts shall be made under the RCH-II programme to address the issues of family planning and mother & child care. A Community Incentive Scheme to involve the Local Government Institutions in the Family Welfare Programme is under formulation. To involve the NGOs in a more meaningful manner, the guidelines have been revised to ensure that NGOs shift from mere advocacy to service delivery. The social marketing guidelines are also being finalised, to improve access to RCH services. The Department of Family Welfare is undertaking specific studies aimed at providing core information needed to formulate a health insurance scheme for the country. Special attention is being given to issues of adolescent health and urban and tribal population. The male involvement in Family Welfare Programme is sought to be raised. At the same time, an attempt is being made to make the Family Welfare Programme gender sensitive during the 10th Five Year Plan.



S.No.	States/Union Territories	CBR	IMR	TPR
Expec- Current Expec- Current Expec- Current ted Level ted Level ted Level Level as per Level as per Level as per of 2001 of 2001 of 1999 Achvt. SRS Achvt. SRS Achvt. SRS By 2002 By 2002 By 2002
INDIA 24-23 25.4 56-50 66 2.9 - 2.6 3.2
1. Andhra Pr. 20-18 20.8 60-55 66 2.3-2.1 2.4

2. Assam 25-22 26.8 60-55 73 2.7-2.5 3.2

3. Bihar 27-25 31.2 50-44 62 4.0-3.0 4.5

4. Chhatisgarh 29-25 26.3 80-70 76 3.5-2.8 3.9

5. Gujarat 22-20 24.9 40-35 60 2.5-2.2 3.0 6. Haryana 27-23 26.7 50-45 65 3.0-2.5 3.2

7 Jharkhand 27-25 26.3 50-44 62 4.5-3.0 4.5

8. Karnataka 21-20 22.2 60-50 58 2.4-2.1 2.5

9. Kerala 16-15 17.2 10-9 11 1.7-1.6 1.8 10. Madhya Pr. 29-25 30.8 80-70 86 3.5-2.8 3.9 11. Maharashtra 20-17 20.6 41.36 45 2.5-2.2 2.5 12. Orissa 25-21 23.4 90-70 90 2.7-2.4 2.7 13. Punjab 21-18 22.2 44-40 51 2.5-2.2 2.5 14. Rajasthan 28-24 31.0 56.50 79 3.5-3.0 4.2 15. Tamil Nadu 18-16 19.0 39.35 49 1.9-1.7 2.0 16. Uttar Pr. 30-26 32.1 75-60 82 3.8-3.4 4.7 17. W. Bengal 24-20 20.5 51-46 51 2.6-2.4 2.4 18. Arunachal Pr. 22-20 22.0 50.45 39 4.0-3.0 2.8 19. Delhi 18-16 18.7 24-20 29 2.5.-2.2 1.6 20. Goa 14-12 13.9 10-9 19 1.6-1.5 1.0 21. Himachal Pr. 22-20 21.0 50-45 54 2.5-2.3 2.4 22. J & K 27-24 20.1 45-45 48 2.7-2.5 NA 23. Manipur 18-16 18.2 24-20 20 2.4-2.1 2.4 24. Meghalaya 25-23 28.3 40-35 56 2.8-2.5 4.0 25. Mizoram 18-16 15.7 24-20 19 2.4-2.1 NA 26. Nagaland 16-15 N A 8-5 NA 2.6-2.4 1.5 27. Sikkim 18-17 21.6 40-35 42 2.4-2.1 2.5 28. Tripura 18-16 16.1 40-35 39 2.4-2.1 3.9 29. Uttaranchal 30-26 18.5 75-60 48 3.8-3.4 4.7 30. A&N Islands 16-15 16.8 24-20 18 2.0-1.8 1.9 31. Chandigarh 15-14 16.1 40-35 24 2.0-1.8 2.1 32. D&N Haveli 26-25 29.3 55-50 58 2.5-2.0 3.5 33. Daman & Diu 18-16 22.3 24-20 40 2.0-1.8 2.5 34. Lakshadweep 22-20 20.4 24-20 33 2.2-2.0 2.8 35. Pondicherry 18-16 17.9 18-16 22 1.9-1.7 1.8

(Rs. In Lakh)
Sl. No. Name of the States/UTs During IX Plan 2002-03
1 Andhra Pradesh 7981.23 1864.43 2 Arunachal Pradesh 13.83 25.18 3 Assam 1137.62 1262.00 4 Bihar 1195.68 630.79 5 Goa 74.36 4.80 6 Gujarat 3038.36 604.84 7 Haryana 1269.98 215.59 8 Himachal Pradesh 315.19 72.86 9 Jammu & Kashmir 132.9 17.97 10 Karnataka 5185.74 1038.01 11 Kerala 1808.62 418.20 12 Madhya Pradesh 3700.66 633.67 13 Maharashtra 6182.86 1542.05 14 Manipur 67.25 8.35 15 Meghalaya 65.82 55.79 16 Mizoram 119.92 69.77 17 Nagaland 41.84 29.00 18 Orissa 1276.09 314.40 19 Punjab 1660.78 105.24 20 Rajasthan 2753.77 503.04 21 Sikkim 53.62 39.24 22 Tamil Nadu 4827.73 1119.86 23 Tripura 148.74 86.92 24 Uttar Pradesh 5306.49 1307.50 25 West Bengal 3101.38 958.17 26 Chhatisgarh 269 317.39 27 Jharkhand 238 279.47 28 Uttaranchal 184.3 223.57
Total - States 52151.76 13748.10
UT with Legislature
1 Pondicherry 132.75 48.00 2 Delhi 488.85 223.57
Outlays for UTs without Legislature
1 A & N Islands 24 2 D & N Haveli 20 3 Chandigarh 48 4 Lakshadweep 3.15 5 Daman & Diu 8.5
Total- UTs 725.25 48.00
Grand Total 52877.01 13796.10


S.No. Name of State/UT Expected Expec- Expec- Expec- Expec- Expec- Expec- Level Contr- ted ted ted ted ted ted aceptive level level level level level level Acceptance Birth T.F.R. I.M.R. NHMR Safe 3 ANC`s (Modem) Rate Deli- very Perma- Spacing nent
INDIA 50.0 15.0 21 2.3 45 26 80 90
1. Andhra Pr. 65.0 10.0 17 1.8 42 22 90 95

2. Assam 35.0 16.9 22 2.3 50 30 55 80

3. Bihar 30.0 10.0 24 2,8 45 25 70 80

4. Chattisgarh 45.0 10.0 22 2.6 50 38 95 85

5. Gujarat 60.0 21.2 20 2.1 40 22 80 95 6. Haryana 56.3 26.0 22 2.2 40 23 80 95

7 Jharkhand 30.0 10.0 22 2.6 50 35 60 80

8. Karnataka 60.0 12.7 20 2.0 40 21 85 95

9. Kerala 60.0 10.7 15 1.6 9 5 100 100 10. Madhya Pr. 55.0 17.0 23 2.6 58 30 70 85 11. Maharashtra 66.0 14.9 17 2.1 34 20 95 98 12 Orissa 55.0 12.9 21 2.2 68 35 70 90 13 Punjab 55.0 30.0 18 2.1 35 15 90 95 14. Rajasthan 45.0 15.5 22 2.7 50 30 70 80 15. Tamil Nadu 60.0 12.0 16 1.7 30 20 100 100 16. Uttar Pradesh 35.0 21.0 24 2.7 58 35 75 80 17. West Bengal 50.0 19.4 17 2.1 38 25 80 95
1. Aruhanchal Pr. 30.0 20.8 20 2.4 40 30 65 80

2. Goa 45.0 12.4 12 1.5 9 20 75 100

3. Himachal Pr. 65.0 19. 6 20 2.0 35 15 80 85

4. J&K 40.0 18.5 17 2.0 40 30 75 80

5. Manipur 30.0 15.8 16 2.0 20 10 85 80 6. Meghalaya 30.0 10.8 23 2.6 50 40 50 80

7 Mizoram 56.8 15.5 16 2.0 19 12 90 90

8. Nagaland 30.0 14.1 15 1.5 32 15 60 85

9. Sikkim 31.3 28.5 17 2.1 45 20 60 85 10. Tripura 30.0 38.4 16 2.6 35 60 85 11. Uttaranchal 40.0 18.2 18 2.0 40 30 80 80
1. A&N Islands 50.0 15.0 15 1.7 22 80 100

2. Chandigarh 40.0 35.0 14 1.9 25 80 85

3. D&N Haveli 35.0 10.0 23 2.8 50 60 85

4. Daman & Diu 50.0 10.0 16 2.1 45 85 90

5. Delhi 40.0 30.0 16 1.6 25 20 85 85 6. Lakshadweep 30.0 10.0 20 2.4 25 85 100

7 Pondicherry 65.0 10.0 16 1.6 20 100 100

(Continued .... Annexure - III) Current Current Current Current Required no. accep- per accep- per accep- per accep- per year to tors of year to tors of year to tors of year to tors of be Eq. Condom Ster- be IUD(in be Eq.Oral be Eq. Eq. Users (in 000’s) ilisa- steri- 000’s) IUD(in Pill Oral Condom by 2007 tions lized 2001-02 000’s) Users Pill Users (in (in by 2007 (in Users (in 000’s) 000’2) 000’s) (in 000’s) 2001-02 by 2007 2001-02 000’s) 2001-02 by 2007
INDIA 4726 8234 6202 17232 7475 15006 14569 30013
1. Andhra Pr. 808 897 280 882 242 768 543 1536

2. Assam 26 142 39 434 20 378 26 755

3. Bihar 152 467 145 984 84 957 63 1713

4. Chattisgarh 99 270 105 536 170 456 285 933

5. Gujarat 255 491 402 1120 188 975 893 1955 6. Haryana 88 195 159 582 68 507 342 1014

7 Jharkhand 68 152 51 320 16 278 3 558

8. Karnataka 399 611 323 688 158 600 278 1199

9. Kerala 150 278 73 319 27 278 102 556 10. Madhya Pr. 328 785 466 1555 521 1354 1239 2709 11. Maharashtra 696 1023 460 1457 339 1268 410 2537 12 Orissa 92 314 171 471 128 410 262 821 13 Punjab 110 199 352 697 138 607 448 1215 14. Rajasthan 252 425 238 937 533 816 1057 1632 15. Tamil Nadu 390 577 389 730 191 636 230 1271 16. Uttar Pradesh 418 954 2256 3649 816 3178 1569 6355 17. West Bengal 282 658 75 1609 394 1401 358 2802
1. Aruhanchal Pr. 2 5.1 3 22 2 19 1 38

2. Goa 5 9.1 3 16 2 14 1 28

3. Himachal Pr. 35 69 32 133 23 116 69 231

4. J&K 16 59 19 175 7 152 13 308

5. Manipur 0.8 9.2 6 31 0.8 27 3 63 6. Meghalaya 2 9.4 2 21 3 18 1 37

7 Mizoram 2 7 2 12 2 10 1 21

8. Nagaland 0.6 6.3 2 19 2 16 0.2 32

9. Sikkim 0.8 2.6 1 14 3 12 1 24 10. Tripura 6 16 4 122 33 106 17 213 11. Uttaranchal 28 49 105 186 46 162 75 325
1. A&N Islands 2 3.1 1 6 1 5 2 10

2. Chandigarh 3 6.4 5 36 0.5 32 12 63

3. D&N Haveli 0.8 1.3 0.3 2 0.2 2 0.009 4

4. Daman & Diu 0.6 1.2 0.3 2 0.3 1 1 3

5. Delhi 39 102 63 496 16 432 182 864 6. Lakshadweep 0.03 0.3 0.04 1 0.08 1 0.4 1

7 Pondicherry 13 12 4 12 2 10 11 20