Question : Implementing Operation Greens Scheme

(a) the challenges faced by the Government while implementing Operation Greens Scheme (OGS);

(b) the details of the target set and achievements made so far under the scheme since its inception;

(c) whether OGS has failed to benefit farmers in enhancing their income and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor and the corrective steps taken in this regard;

(d) whether OGS which is presently applicable to tomato, onion and potato will be enlarged to other perishable products and if so, the details thereof;

(e) the details of the budget allocated for subsidy under the scheme and the expenditure incurred till date, State-wise; and

(f) the details of long-term development projects under the OGS and the inputs along with outcomes observed thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Ministry has been implementing scheme of Operation Greens since November, 2018 for integrated value chain development of Tomato, Onion and Potato (TOP) crops in the selected clusters. The scheme has two components i.e. Long Term Strategy i.e. Value Chain Development Projects and Short Term Strategy i.e. Price Stabilization Measures through grant of transportation/storage subsidy.

Being a demand driven scheme, projects are sanctioned on the basis of response received from the industry. Since its inception, six (6) value chain development projects have been sanctioned and initiated with total project cost of Rs.363.30 crore; Grant-in-aid sanctioned of Rs.136.82 crore; Processing capacity 3.34 Lakh MT and Preservation Capacity of 46,380 MT.
The Ministry has conducted regular stakeholder’s consultations to discuss the challenges faced for setting up of projects under the scheme and accordingly, necessary corrective measures have been taken from time to time to resolve the issues.

(c): Under the short term measures of the scheme, provision of transportation/storage subsidy is available for notified crops during glut situation for eligible entities including Farmers. Total subsidy of Rs.84.73 crore has been disbursed under the scheme which has benefitted eligible entities including farmers across India.

(d): The scope of short term measures originally applicable to Tomato, Onion and Potato crops were expanded to 41 notified fruits & vegetables w.e.f. June, 2020 as a part of Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan Package.

Further, in pursuance to Budget Announcement 2021-22, the scope of long term strategy i.e. Value Chain Development Projects was expanded from TOP crops to 22 perishables which include 10 fruits, 11 vegetables (including TOP crops) and 1 marine product i.e. Shrimp.

(e): State-wise budget allocation is not done under the scheme. The details of year-wise budget allocation and expenditure incurred till date are provided in the table below.

(Rs. in Crore)
Financial Year Budget Allocation Expenditure
2018-19 200.00 5.50
2019-20 32.48 2.84
2020-21 38.22 38.21
2021-22 9 (till 15.03.2022) 74.50 60.58
Total 345.20

(f): As on date, six (6) projects were sanctioned for TOP crops under the scheme with total project cost of Rs.363.30 crore; Grant-in-aid sanctioned of Rs.136.82 crore; Processing capacity 3.34 Lakh MT and Preservation Capacity of 46,380 MT.

Out of the six (6) projects, three (3) projects i.e. one each for TOP crops in the State of Gujarat; two (2) projects for Onion in Maharashtra and one (1) project for tomato in Andhra Pradesh have been sanctioned and initiated.


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