Question : Promotion of Khadi

(a) whether the Government proposes to modernise the khadi industries to boost the production and sale of khadi clothes and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government has introduced/proposes to introduce minimum wages in the form of Income support scheme and other incentives to attract more workers, specially women to take employment in khadi production; and

(c) if so, the details thereof including the States which have seen/reported an increase in number of workers entering into khadi production enterprises in the country during the last three years, State/UT-wise

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes Madam.. The Government has a scheme, namely, Scheme of Strengthening of Infrastructure of Existing Weak Khadi Institutions and assistance for Marketing Infrastructure under which funds are provided for supply of looms and charkhas as well as for renovation and modernization of sales outlets of Khadi Institutions.

Under this scheme, need-based support towards the Khadi sector for nursing the sick/problematic institutions elevated from ā€œDā€ to ā€œCā€ category as well as those whose production, sales and employment have been declining while they have potential to attain normalcy and creation of marketing infrastructure for identified outlets is provided, the scheme of Strengthening of Infrastructure of Existing Weak Khadi Institutions and Assistance for Marketing Infrastructure has been formulated. Under this scheme, financial assistance has been provided to existing weak Khadi institutions for strengthening of their infrastructure and for renovation of selected khadi sales outlets. The maximum amount of assistance for strengthening of weak Khadi institutions under this scheme is Rs.9.90 lakh (capital expenditure - Rs.3.50 lakh, working capital - Rs.6.15 lakh and Rs.0.25 lakh towards conducting detailed study report). For renovation of sales outlets, the ceiling of financial assistance is Rs.25 lakh for Departmental Sales outlets of KVIC, Rs.21.25 lakh for Departmental Sales outlets of State KVIBs, Rs.18.75 lakh for institutional outlets located in metro cities and Rs.15 lakh for institutional outlets located in non-metro cities.

During the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16, the funds provided under the scheme were as follows:
Year Funds provided under the scheme
2013-14 Rs. 0.92crore
2014-15 Rs. 3.83 crore
2015-16 Rs. 2.99 crore

(b): Khadi spinning is a subsidiary activity. The artisans associated with Khadi Institutions are self-employed persons. The artisans are paid on piece rate basis i.e. number of hanks of yarn spun and meters of cloth woven. It is observed that in eight hours working, a spinner working on NMC charkha can earn around Rs.140 per day and weaver upto Rs.250 per day. Further, 40% of assistance out of Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA) is earmarked for payment among spinners and weavers as additional incentives through their bank or post office accounts, in addition to their normal earnings. It is seen that the states like Jammu & Kashmir, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh have shown a marginal increase in the number of artisans in khadi sector. There is no special scheme for attracting more workers, especially women for employment in khadi production. Under the Khadi activities, the share of women spinners is more than 80%.

(c): The State/UT-wise details of no. of Artisans/ workers employed in khadi in the country are given as Annexure.

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