Question : Proposal from Maharashtra for Development of Tourist Circuits

(a) whether the Government has received any proposal from the State Government of Maharashtra regarding the scheme for development of tourist circuits and tourist places;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the current status of the proposals;
(c) the progress and achievements made in this regard so far; and
(d) the details of funds allocated and spent for the purpose during the last three years and the current year?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): The Ministry under its scheme of Swadesh Darshan and PRASHAD provides financial Assistance to the State Governments/UT Administrations for development of tourism infrastructure and facilities in the country including Maharashtra.

Submission of project proposals by the State Governments/Union Territory (UT) Administrations under the scheme is a continuous process. The projects for development are identified in consultation with the State Governments/ UT Administrations and are sanctioned subject to availability of funds, submission of suitable detailed project reports, adherence to scheme guidelines and utilization of funds released earlier.

Based on the above criteria, the Ministry has sanctioned the following projects in Maharashtra:
(Rs. in Crore)
No Scheme/
Year Project Name Amount Sanctioned Amount
Released Physical
1 Swadesh Darshan
2015-16 Development of Sindhudurg Coastal Circuit (Shiroda Beach, Sagareshwar, Tarkarli, Vijaydurg (Beach & Creek), Devgad (Fort & Beach), Mitbhav, Tondavali, Mocehmad and Nivati Fort). 82.17 16.43 35%
2 Swadesh Darshan
2018-19 Development of Waki- Adasa- Dhapewada- Paradsingha- Chota Taj Bagh- Telankhandi- Girad 54.01 0.00 --
2017-18 Development of Trimbakeshwar 37.81 8.49 10%
Ministry has also identified Ajanta and Ellora in Maharashtra for development in the country under the Development of Iconic Tourist site scheme.


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