Question : Land Pooling Policy

Will the Minister of HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(a) the present status of land pooling policy in Delhi;
(b) whether the Land Pooling Policy in Delhi is likely to be implemented in Zones J to L, P1 and P2 of Master Plan Delhi 2021 as notified on 5th September, 2013 and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether DDA has finalised the areas in which the Land Pooling Policy will be implemented in P1 Zone and if so, the details thereof along with the names of villages/locations covered therein;
(d) whether representations have been received from the public opposing the modified version of the Land Pooling Policy notified on 11th January, 2018 and if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government thereon;
(e) whether DDA proposes to upload the representations received for revised Land Pooling Policy along with the regulations on its website for transparency and if so, the details thereof; and
(f) the time by which the said policy is likely to be finalised and implemented?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (f) The Land Policy was notified by the Government of India vide notification dated 5 September 2013. The policy is applicable in 95 urbanizable areas in Delhi spread across Zone J to L, N and P(II).

Further, Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has initiated the process to include the following villages in Zone P1 under the Land Policy, in addition to the areas already included earlier:

i. Mamoorpur (Part) viii. Khera Kalan (Part)
ii. Narela (Part) ix. Jind Pur (Part)
iii. Bankner (Part) x. Budhpur Bijapur (Part)
iv. Alipur (Part) xi. Nangli Puna (Part)
v. Holambi Kalan (Part) xii. Siraspur (Part)
vi. Iradat Nagar (Naya Bans) (Part) xiii. Kureni (Part)
vii. Khera Khurd (Part) xiv. Bhorgarh (Part)

At present, the modifications to Land Policy and preparation of regulations for opertionalization of the same are under consideration in DDA. These proposals were put up in public domain and various objections/ suggestions have been received in DDA. DDA has informed that they have no proposal to upload the representations on DDA website. However, as per procedure and to keep transparency, all the objections/ suggestions will processed as per Section 11(A) of Delhi Development Act, 1957 and will be placed before the Board of Enquiry and Hearing (BoE&H). The persons who have filed the objections/ suggestions will also be called for oral submission before the BoE&H.

It is not possible to fix a timeframe by which the modifications to Land Policy will be finalized and implemented.


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