Question : Terrorist Attacks

(a) the number of terrorist attacks in the country during each of the last three years and the number of terrorists arrested and killed in such attacks along with the number of citizens and security personnel killed and injured, State-wise;

(b) whether the Government has conducted any investigation of these terrorist attacks;

(c) the names of the terrorist organisations who have claimed the responsibility of these terrorist attacks;

(d) the number of undertrial terrorists in various courts of the country and the details of the steps taken to expedite such cases, State-wise; and

(e) the details of the compensation given to the victims of the terrorist attacks during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): The details of terrorist incidents in the Jammu & Kashmir during the last three years are as under: -
Year No. of terrorist incidents Terrorists arrested Terrorists killed Civilian killed Civilian injured Security personnel killed Security personnel injured
2017 342 97 213 40 99 80 226
2018 614 105 257 39 63 91 238
2019 594 115 157 39 188 80 140

L.S.US.Q.NO.2032 FOR 03.03.2020

The problem of terrorism in India is largely sponsored from across the border. The ISI of Pakistan has close links with terrorist outfits like Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) etc. and it provides them safe havens, material support, finance and other logistics to carry out terrorist activities in India.

No major terror attack took place in the hinterland of the country during the last three years, except a grenade attack which took place on 18th November, 2018 at a prayer hall in Adliwal Village, PS Rajasansi, Amritsar, wherein 03 persons were killed. As per available information, the involvement of Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) and International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF) have come to notice in this incident. The Punjab Police has arrested three persons involved in this attack.

(d): The data of undertrial prisoners is maintained by the State Governments since ‘Public Order’, ‘Police’ and ‘Prison’ are State subjects as per the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. At the level of Central Government, the cases relating to terrorist acts are investigated by the National Investigation Agency (NIA). For speedy trial of the terror related cases, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Act, 2008 provides for constitution of Special Courts, registered by NIA, where such cases are heard on day to day basis and get precedence over other cases. Accordingly, 49 Courts all over India have been designated as Special NIA

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Courts for speedy disposal of cases relating to all accused arrested by NIA in terror cases.

(e): The Central Government administers a Scheme titled “Central Scheme for Assistance to Civilian Victims of Terrorists/ Communal/ Left Wing Extremism Violence and Cross Border Firing and Mine/IED Blasts on Indian Territory”. According to the said Scheme, the State Government concerned initially gives financial relief to the civilian victim/ next of kin of victim, which is Rs. 5 lakh in case of death/ permanent incapacitation (50% and above) and then seeks reimbursement of the expenditure from the Government of India. The details of the reimbursement made to States during the last three years are as under: -

Sl. No. Year Amount reimbursed (in ?)
1 2016-17 1,54,50,000
2 2017-18 2,04,00,000
3 2018-19 72,30,000

Apart from it, the concerned State Governments also provide assistance to the victims as per their policy.

The ex-gratia/compensation is paid to the families of security personnel as per the extant guidelines of CAPFs/Army/State Governments and under the ‘Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme’ for the State Police/Security Personnel/civilian victims.

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