Question : School Innovation Ambassador Training Programme

(a) whether the Government has recently launched a ‘School Innovation Ambassador
Training Program’ for 50,000 school teachers across the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the aims and objectives and salient features of the said
(c) whether the Government proposes to integrate Eklavya Schools to this programme to
develop capacity- building, creativity, critical thinking and communications among
the tribal students and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government is working in coordination with the Central Board of
Secondary Education(CBSE) and AICTE to nurture the innovative capabilities of the
tribal students and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) whether the Government has released any fund for the implementation of said training
program and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) and (b): Yes Sir, The School Innovation Ambassador Training Program (SIATP) was
launched by Ministry of Education through CBSE, AICTE and Ministry of Education’s
Innovation Cell (MIC) in collaboration with Ministry of Tribal Affairs for training teachers
of its affiliated schools.
It was launched by Hon’ble Education Minister and Hon’ble Union Tribal Affairs Minister
on 16th July 2021.
Aim: To train 50,000 school teachers across the country.
In order to strengthen the mentoring capacity of teachers for nurturing and handholding
innovative and creative ideas from students, SIATP was launched through online mode. The
teachers shall be trained on the following five modules:
i. Design Thinking & Innovation
ii. Idea generation & Idea hand-holding
iii. Intellectual Property Rights
iv. Entrepreneurship & Product / Prototype Development
v. Finance, HR and Sales
i. To create a culture of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship in schools.
ii. Preparing teachers to handhold the ideas and innovative thoughts from students.
iii. Creating the in-house pool of mentors in schools to mentor the students.
iv. Creating awareness on innovation and start-ups among the students and faculties.
v. Prepare teachers to conduct idea competitions, hackathons and enable them to act as an
evaluator for Idea Competitions conducted for students.
vi. Create the foundation and capable human resource for School Innovation Council
(SIC), a council of teachers, students and experts from industry and academia to
conduct round the year activities for students and teachers on Innovation and
Salient features:
i. The entire five module training is free of cost for all the teachers.
ii. The schools have to nominate five eligible teachers from their schools for this training
iii. The five module training is of 72 hours’ duration.
iv. The entire training is in online mode.
v. The teachers will receive the badge of Innovation Ambassador and a training
completion certificate.
(c) The program aims to integrate all the Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) under
the Ministry of Tribal Affairs along with all CBSE affiliated schools.
(d) Yes, through School Innovation Ambassador Training Program (SIATP) and School
Innovation Council (SIC), CBSE and AICTE aim at building and nurturing the innovative,
creative and entrepreneurial mindset in tribal students in Eklavya Schools. Under SIATP, so
far, 124 Eklavya Schools have registered for the training.
(e) No separate funds were allocated for implementing this program. It is being implemented
by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) with its training partners from the
industry and academia on pro-bono basis. MIC and AICTE have extended their existing
resources for the implementation of this program.

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