Question : Construction of Roads under PMGSY

(a) the details and number of total length of roads sanctioned and constructed in different phases under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in Parliamentary Constituency of Amravati in Maharashtra; and

(b) whether any scheme has been formulated by the Government to ensure proper maintenance of the roads constructed under PMGSY and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of the road length sanctioned and constructed under various interventions/verticals of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in Amravati district of Maharashtra are given below:-

Road length in Km
Verticals Sanctioned Completed Balance*

No. of Road Bridges No. of Road Bridges No. of Road Bridges
roads Length roads Length roads Length

PMGSY-I 124 591.53 26 124 578.33 26 - - -

PMGSY-II 8 66.60 2 8 65.90 2 - - -

PMGSY-III 28 180.13 0 0 0 0 28 180.13 -

Total 160 838.26 28 132 644.23 28 28 180.13 -

*Balance road length is less than the difference of sanctioned and completed length due to reduction in road length, change in alignment, construction of part length by other agencies, etc.

(b) As per the Programme Guidelines of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), maintenance of roads constructed under the programme is the responsibility of the State Governments and all road works are covered by initial five year maintenance contracts to be entered into along with the construction contract, with the same contractor, as per the Standard Bidding Document. Maintenance funds to service the contract are required to be budgeted by the State Governments and placed at the disposal of the State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs) in a separate maintenance account. On expiry of the 5 year post construction maintenance, PMGSY roads are required to be placed under Zonal maintenance contracts consisting of 5 year maintenance including renewal as per maintenance cycle, from time to time, which are also financed by the state governments.

Further, in order to ensure that states provide required maintenance funds during the design life of the road being constructed under PMGSY-III, a provision has been added in the programme guidelines under which the states have to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India before launching of the scheme in the concerned state for providing adequate funds for the maintenance of roads constructed/ upgraded under PMGSY for initial five years routine maintenance, and for further five year routine maintenance including periodic renewal as per requirement.

As a measure of enhancing the focus on maintenance of roads during the defect liability period (five years from the date of completion of road) and streamlining the delivery of routine maintenance of PMGSY roads on the basis of performance based maintenance contract, Electronic Maintenance of PMGSY roads (eMARG) has been implemented in all the states. eMARG is an online platform, used by all the states, that monitors maintenance of PMGSY works for five years from the date of completion.


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