Question : Soil Health Cards

(a) whether a nation-wide centrally sponsored Soil Health Card Scheme is being implemented to facilitate every farmer to test the soil of his fields and improve farm production and if so, the details thereof along with the expenditure incurred on this project/scheme and the details of benefits accrued to the farmers as a result thereof;

(b) the number of Soil Health Cards issued/distributed to the farmers and remained to be issued undistributed so far, State/UT and year-wise and the details of time limit fixed by the Government to issue smart cards to all the farmers in the country;

(c) whether soil health card is being issued to the farmers through the Post Offices in the country and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise;

(d) whether the Government proposes to increase the distribution of Soil Health Cards amongst the distressed farmers in the country and if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether the Government proposes to take Soil Health Card Scheme to village and panchayat levels and if so, the steps taken/likely to be taken in this regard; and

(f) the details regarding the number of farmers who got follow up action taken by the State/Central Agricultural Extension Workers?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): Soil Health Card Scheme is being implemented to assist all State Governments to evaluate fertility in all farm holdings across the country and issue soil health cards to farmers



regularly in a cycle of 2 years. Soil health cards provide information to farmers on nutrient status of their soil along with recommendations on appropriate dosage of nutrients to be applied for improving soil health and its fertility.

(b): Against the target of 11.88 crore soil health cards, 8.86 crore soil health cards have been distributed to farmers in the first two year cycle (2015-2017) State-wise details are given at Annexure.

(c): The State Government of Telangana has imparted training to staff of the Postal Department on collection of soil samples. Implementation of the scheme on pilot basis by the Branch Post Masters is in progress.

(d) & (e): Soil Health Cards are being distributed to all farmers of the country in a cycle of 2 years. The scheme includes all villages and Panchayats in the country.

(f): Agricultural Extension workers organize campaigns in their respective area to create awareness among farmers on benefits of the soil health card and use of appropriate dosage of fertilizer recommendation made in the soil health card.

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