(a) whether the Government has made any assessment about the financial position of Sainik Schools in the country, if so, the details and outcome thereof indicating the funding support extended to said schools by the respective State Governments, State / UT-wise;
(b) whether there is any pending issue regarding the incidence of pay and pension of the Sainik Schools establishment on the State Governments and if so, the steps taken for its resolution;
(c) whether the Government proposes to assume greater financial liability in respect of recurring expenditure of the Sainik Schools and if so, the details and the financial implications thereof;
(d) the mechanism in place to maintain adequate oversight on management of the Sainik Schools including appropriate standards of health administration to ensure proper health and fitness standards of the students; and
(e) whether the Government has taken note of the recent incident of food procuring at a Sainik School in Tamil Nadu and if so, the details thereof and response of the Government thereto along with the corrective steps taken in this regard?