Question : Crude Steel Production

(a) whether India’s crude steel production grew at 3.8 per cent during the month of November, 2018 over the year 2017, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government has set a target of producing 300 MT crude steel by the year 2030-31 with an investment of Rs. ten trillion, if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken by the Government to achieve the said target;
(c) whether it is a fact that 26 TMT bar brands in the country had failed in sample tests for its quality parameters conducted by the industry council, if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard;
(d) whether the Government proposes to make any changes in the current standard of TMT bars, if so, the details thereof; and
(e) whether the Government proposes to make Bureau of Indian Standards Certification mandatory for various steel products in the country, if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Madam. India’s crude steel production grew by 3.8 percent during the month of November, 2018 compared to November, 2017. The details are given below:-

November, 2017 November, 2018 % Change
Crude Steel Production (in ‘000 T) 8604 8927 3.8
Source: JPC

(b) Yes, Madam. The National Steel Policy, 2017 envisages a crude steel capacity of 300 MT by 2030-31. The salient features of the National Steel Policy, 2017 are:-

• The National Steel Policy, 2017 aspires to achieve 300 MT of steelmaking capacity by 2030. This would translate into additional investment of Rs. 10 lakh Crore and 1.1 million additional workforce getting employed in the steel sector by 2030-31.
• The policy seeks to increase consumption of steel and major segments are infrastructure, automobiles and housing.

• National Steel Policy, 2017 seeks to increase per capita steel consumption to the level of 160 Kg. by 2030-31 from the level of around 61 Kg.
• Policy stipulates that adoption of energy efficient technologies by small steel producers will be encouraged to improve the overall productivity & reduce energy intensity.

(c) TMT bars are covered under IS: 1786:2008 on which Quality Order (QCO) has been notified by Ministry of Steel. The surveillance and checks are done by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The parties found not to be confirming the standard, the BIS license of the party as per procedure of law is accordingly cancelled. The steel industry has no council. A private council has in public domain held that certain TMT bar sample do not adhere the BIS standard. BIS is examining this claim.

(d) Standards covered under QCO are continuously revised to incorporate more grades by BIS. The standards are revised as and when decided by concerned Technical Committee of BIS to incorporate technological advancements in the field of manufacturing and use of the products. The Indian Standard dealing with high yield strength deformed steel bars (including TMT bars) for concrete reinforcement is IS:1786:2008 ‘High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement – Specification (fourth revision)’.

(e) Government of India has issued an updated and amended Steel Quality Control namely Steel and Steel Products (Quality Control) Order, 2018 dated 13th August, 2018 vide S.O 3966(E) covering 53 products (47 carbon/alloy steel and 6 stainless steel products). The government after deep analysis of the BIS standard and their use, consumption, domestic production and import data continuously keeps adding BIS standards to be covered by QCO, issued by Ministry of Steel.


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