(a) the date on which the concept of core networks was operationalised for prioritisation of construction and maintenance of rural roads in terms of allocation of funds under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY);

(b) the norms being followed for the creation of core networks and revision of core networks;

(c) the final authority to decide the coherence (such as engineering, logistical or commercial) of core networks;

(d) the role of the public representatives envisaged in suggesting the roads to be taken up under PMGSY;

(e) whether the public representatives are authorized to prioritise or amend the existing core networks to meet vehicular traffic requirements on an year-to-year basis;

(f) the recourse available to the public representatives in case of refusal of their suggestions and not responding to their communications with specific regard to roads under PMGSY;

(g) whether MPLADS funds are allowed to be dovetailed into the PMGSY to provide link roads to those habitations who do not have thorough connections; and

(h) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (h): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred in reply to parts (a) to (h) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.540 due for reply on 03-05-2010.

(a): The concept of Core Network for prioritization of rural roads to be constructed under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was initiated during the year 2001-02 and the guidelines were circulated to States. Most of the States prepared the Core Network as per the guidelines issued and submitted Core Network maps and data during 2003 and 2005.

(b): The details of the norms and steps to be followed for preparation of Core Network are given in the PMGSY Program Guidelines and Operations Manual which are available on the website So far, no specific norms are given in the Guidelines for revision of Core Network, once the Core Network is finalized. On request of some of the States, all States have been asked to inform if the habitations indicated by them in the Core Network are as per definition of `habitation` given in the programme guidelines and in case of deviations, to indicate the eligible habitations which have been left out.

(c): Core Network is a document of State Government and detailed procedures are given in the Guidelines and Operations Manual for its preparation. However, National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) assists the States to resolve any technical issues faced during the preparation of Core network.

(d): The PMGSY has an inbuilt mechanism for consultation with public representatives at various points of the programme. Consultations with the elected representatives including Members of Parliament and Members of Legislative Assembly are held at both the Planning Stage i.e. finalization of District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) and Core Network and also at annual proposals stages. In addition, at the stage of preparing Detailed Project Reports (DPRs), the Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) conducts a `transect walk` along the road alignment, involving the local panchayat. Details of the Role of public representatives are given in the Programme Guidelines which may be seen at

(e): As per the Programme Guidelines, there is no provision for Members of Parliament to prioritize or amend the existing core network to meet vehicular traffic requirements on yearly basis.

(f): The proposal received from the Members of Parliament by the stipulated date should be given full consideration in the District Panchayat which should record the reason for each case of non-inclusion, and the Members of Parliament should be informed of the inclusion/non inclusion of their proposals along with the reasons in each case in the event of non-inclusion.

(g) & (h): The PMGSY is a 100% centrally sponsored scheme to provide all weather road connectivity to eligible habitations in the rural areas of the country. The programme envisages connecting all habitations with a population of 500 persons and above in the plain areas and 250 persons and above in hill States, the tribal and the desert areas.