(a)&(b): Government of India is providing seed minikits of pulses and oilseeds to
popularize newly released varieties/hybrids of less than 10 year old in 14 major pulses
and oilseeds growing states including Bihar regularly for every season depending upon
the availability of recommended eligible varieties/hybrids available with the nodal
agencies i.e. National Seeds Corporation and Seed Farms Corporation of India under a
Centrally Sponsored `Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize`
(ISOPOM). However, in case of wheat there is no Centrally sponsored scheme at present
to provide seed minikits to States.
Government of India has supplied 59071 and 101165 number of seed minikits of pulses
and oilseeds respectively so far to the State of Bihar during the current rabi season
through National Seeds Corporation and Seed Farms Corporation of India
(c)&(d): Government of Bihar has demanded a total of 1480000 seed minikits of
various crops including pulses, oilseeds and wheat for flood and drought affected areas of
Bihar. Since the guidelines of ISOPOM provides for supplying seed minikits of oilseeds
and pulses of less than 10 year old varieties to replace older varieties, such large sudden
demand could not be met under the scheme due to shortage of seeds of newly released
varieties with the nodal agencies. However, the State of Bihar has been allocated
sufficiently higher funds under ISOPOM to supply required quantity of certified seeds of
oilseeds, pulses and maize to the farmers at subsidized prices during the current rabi