Question : Import of Rubber and Rubber Products

(a) the total quantity and value of rubber and rubber products imported into the country during each of the last three years and the current year along with the import duty levied thereon during the said period;

(b) whether the Government has slashed or decided to slash the import tariff for rubber and rubber products and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether this move is likely to affect the domestic rubber industry/rubber growers; and

(d) if so, the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the Government to protect the interests of rubber growers in the country?

Answer given by the minister


a) to d): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a): Quantity and value of rubber and rubber products imported into the country during the last three years and current year is annexed. Year wise total value of import and import duty levied on Natural Rubber during the last three years and the current year are as under:

Year Total value of import of rubber & rubber products
(in US$ millions) Import duty levied
Dry forms of Natural Rubber
(HS Codes 400121, 400122 and 400129) Latex
(HS 400110)
2013 – 14
April to Nov.

20% or Rs.20 per Kg whichever is lower
Rs.49 per Kg if the duty amount per Kg calculated at the rate of 70% advalorem is more than Rs.49 per Kg.
Dec. to March 20% or Rs.30 per Kg whichever is lower
2014-15 2106.36 20% or Rs.30 per Kg whichever is lower

(From April) 2619.78

25% or Rs.30 per Kg whichever is lower
25% or Rs.30 per Kg whichever is lower
(April) 182.48

(b) and (c): The import duty on Natural Rubber was raised during the above period and has not been slashed.

(d) Rubber Board implements the scheme “Sustainable and inclusive development of natural rubber sector” under the 12th Plan to support, inter-alia, the rubber producers and Self Help Groups (SHGs). SHGs are attached to Rubber Producers Societies (RPS) which are village level voluntary forums of small growers promoted by Rubber Board. The scheme includes planting subsidy @ Rs 25000/- per ha for new planting and replanting in traditional areas, Rs 35000/- in non-traditional areas and North East States. Besides this, assistance is given for productivity enhancement, Farmer Group Formation & Empowerment and Farm mechanization in traditional and non-traditional states. Similarly, in North Eastern States, support is given for block planting under Integrated village level rubber development, boundary protection and quality up-gradation etc.


Details of Import of Rubber and Rubber Products
(Value in US$ Million)
Item Description UNIT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17(April)
Pre vulcanizednaturalrubber latex KGS 3804156 6.88 4939000 6.88 3287690 3.97 141480 0.13
Naturalrubber latex not pre vulcanized KGS 2712170 5.05 5639940 8.14 5051690 5.79 335001 0.29
Naturalrubber in smoked sheets KGS 131669976 340.80 137814512 272.51 99685610 153.88 4019268 5.24
Technically specifiednaturalrubber(TSNR) KGS 209294116 521.50 260141317 470.33 324217651 485.29 17207824 21.50
Natural rubber in heaves KGS 100800 0.24 20000 0.04 NIL NIL NIL NIL
Natural rubber in pale crepe KGS 17000 0.05 47700 0.11 NIL NIL NIL NIL
Natural rubber in estate brown crepe KGS 460000 1.00 225000 0.42 90000 0.19 NIL NIL
Other naturalrubber non-latex KGS 12203542 30.89 33297781 59.84 26042575 65.98 1125920 1.60
Balata gutta-percha etc. and similar natural gums KGS 954 0.01 901 0.03 459 0.01 NIL NIL
Latex (SBR/XSBR) KGS 6941008 11.47 7725324 11.09 11454942 12.48 947130 0.99
Oil extended styrene butadiene rubber KGS 30183039 59.97 27795383 55.75 31648708 42.84 2816256 3.46
Styrene butadiene rubber with styrene content of over 50 percent KGS 5523266 11.27 2388597 5.88 1898674 2.71 291630 0.41
Styrene butadiene styrene oil bound copolymer KGS 5321296 11.74 6298173 12.96 8870904 14.50 376778 0.56
Others synthetic rubber and practice derived from oils in "primary" forms/in pelts sheets etc. KGS 196896538 395.59 185639455 360.81 127799759 180.52 8199193 10.64
Butadiene rubber KGS 86200171 182.42 70470920 130.43 74645620 96.80 7652980 9.59
Isobutene-isoprene(butyl) rubber KGS 49237579 168.42 50634904 134.90 56288206 95.68 3231286 4.14
Halo-isobutene-isoprene rubber KGS 30644043 120.46 34264109 126.78 35793936 98.51 3803786 8.63
Latex, chloroprenerubber KGS 267860 0.51 150231 0.50 94045 0.33 11250 0.03
Other chloroprene(chlorobutadiene) rubber(cr) KGS 14440158 47.73 14024437 46.86 16269912 50.17 1183086 3.74
Acrylonitrile-butadienerubber latex KGS 399546 0.49 702771 0.94 507977 0.61 79440 0.08
Other acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber KGS 29196061 74.55 26016232 72.27 51428791 67.45 2618575 4.17
Isoprene rubber KGS 2929051 8.54 3454521 9.93 1958198 4.79 72420 0.16
Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated KGS 30346637 83.08 33348079 89.50 39370159 93.00 2854228 5.60
Latex KGS 72553 0.96 189628 2.64 220374 2.82 16614 0.23
Chemically modified form of natural rubber including graft rubber KGS 109000 0.43 150005 0.58 133500 0.56 140000 0.15
Other form of mixtures of natural rubber KGS 1609674 4.00 1884640 3.62 2127703 3.54 97800 0.14
Otherrubber latex KGS 3195694 7.27 2032198 5.68 1574076 4.16 155362 0.23
Factice (rubber substitute derived from oil) KGS 1304562 4.21 868170 2.73 530444 1.94 45520 0.19
Tread rubber com,cushion com,cushion gum/ tread gum for resole/repair/retreadrubbertyre KGS 168581 0.51 116573 0.30 95143 0.21 591 0.01
Synthetic rubber syntax,not nes. KGS 5770291 23.62 4939964 23.33 6301755 23.85 426978 1.71
Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates sheets or strip KGS 1093749 0.87 689237 0.65 332154 0.19 NIL NIL
Waste,Parings, Scrap Of Rubber(Besides Hard rubber) and powder 9 Granules obtained therefrom KGS 109555616 8.69 217536239 17.98 317666234 24.14 30942363 2.18
Rubber compounded with carbon blacks/silica KGS 10031334 36.01 10309307 34.66 10377745 28.26 1738913 3.39
Can sealing compound KGS 287159 1.04 312327 1.16 306353 1.08 27170 0.09
Others KGS 709834 1.92 522343 1.37 178388 1.10 6970 0.05
Hospital sheeting KGS 219559 0.62 53884 0.12 13411 0.08 NIL NIL
Other plates sheets and strip KGS 10454021 14.08 11563874 17.74 11220390 14.05 813763 0.96
Granules of unvulcanizednatural/syntheticrubber compounded ready for vulcanization (excluding raw rubber) KGS 10945 0.05 297568 0.87 323595 0.59 39989 0.02
Others compounded rubber un vulcanized in primary forms/in plates sheets/strips excl. Silica/can sealing/hospital sheeting KGS 4943113 17.24 5615662 19.14 4651282 16.13 750823 1.51
Camel-black" stripsfor retreading rubbertyre KGS 856 0.01 643 0.002 27179 0.10 NIL NIL
Thread of un vulcanized Rubber,Not Covered elsewhere KGS 2102 0.01 1165 0.004 343 0.001 530 0.002
Others forms and articles of un vulcanized rubber excl. Camel backstrips KGS 2178655 2.29 2643896 2.19 3393183 1.80 61922 0.06
Thread of vulcanizedRubber, not covered elsewhere KGS 1773618 5.46 2821808 8.08 4638988 11.80 384926 0.82
Cord of vulcanized Rubber, Not covered elsewhere KGS 157004 0.08 9 0.00 18 0.001 6 0.0003
Other thread/cord of vulcanized rubber KGS 929197 2.26 452437 1.20 516143 1.00 28824 0.10
Plates,sheetsstrip of micro-cellular rubber KGS 178637 1.20 126740 0.59 167895 0.69 7518 0.05
Plates,sheets,strip of other cellular rubber KGS 566499 2.24 865851 2.57 708899 3.11 22641 0.14
Block of micro-cellular rubber not oflatex foam sponge used in manufacture of soles/heels/ combined for footwear KGS 3066 0.03 3575 0.01 1422 0.02 314 0.01
Other form of cellular rubber KGS 562598 1.21 410246 1.11 789131 1.35 12468 0.11
Plates,sheets,strips of non-cellular rubber usedin manufacture of sole/heel/combined for foot wear KGS 2047154 3.02 2012690 2.92 1784300 2.97 130983 0.26
Plates, sheets, strips of non-cellular rubber for resoling/repairing/retreading rubbertyres KGS 4967 0.02 306 0.002 1475 0.003 NIL NIL
Other form of Plates, sheets, strips of non- cellular rubber KGS 831050 6.97 787743 7.36 859787 6.44 58956 0.45
Rubber sheets/resin rubber sheet for sole/heel of others form of non-cellular rubber KGS 585961 2.31 610299 2.57 399714 1.97 13076 0.06
Block used in manufacture of sole/heel/combined for footwear of other non-cellular rubber KGS 5005 0.01 14640 0.09 3203 0.02 26368 0.02
Latex foam sponge of other non-cellular rubber KGS 79466 0.54 76324 0.54 82759 0.49 1461 0.01
Tread rubber/packing strip for resoling/ repairing/retreading rubber tyres of other non-cellular rubber KGS 23865 0.04 18650 0.03 1058 0.004 NIL NIL
Other form of non/cellular rubber KGS 1748964 5.81 1700164 5.65 1376586 4.93 100262 0.42
Tubes,pipes and hoses of vulcanizedrubber not reinforced/otherwise combined with other materials without fittings KGS 2341855 14.51 2740157 16.33 2177559 12.57 117407 0.77
Tubes,pipes and hoses of vulcanizedrubber not reinforced/otherwise combined with other materials with fittings KGS 669484 5.70 434592 3.48 345344 4.26 4905 0.09
Tubes,Pipes and Hoses of Vulcanized Rubber Reinforced/otherwise combined only with Metal Materials Without Fittings KGS 2723185 12.66 3089975 15.20 3023185 12.89 305998 1.08
Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Vulcanized Rubber Reinforced/Otherwise combined only with Metal With Fittings KGS 815290 6.61 724679 8.22 534143 4.99 31029 0.31
Tubes, Pipes And Hoses OfVulcanized Rubber Reinforced/Otherwise Combined only with Textile Materials Without Fittings KGS 1648952 14.37 1827339 15.62 1897000 14.48 101675 0.81
Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Vulcanized Rubber Reinforced/Otherwise Combined only with Textiles Materials With Fittings KGS 1750235 9.92 1780868 11.16 2638613 16.08 156902 0.80
Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Vulcanized Rubber Reinforced/Otherwise Combined with other Materials Without Fittings KGS 5003791 27.13 3718923 21.81 2752435 19.90 108652 0.85
Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Vulcanized Rubber Reinforced Otherwise combined with other Materials With Fittings KGS 3262268 31.17 3880170 40.71 2753001 36.12 255048 3.84
Conveyor belts or belting reinforced only with metal where rubbercompound content less than 25% by weight KGS 9420 0.14 5996 0.16 7108 0.10 23 0.001
Conveyor belts or belting r reinforced only with metal where rubber compound more than 25% by wt KGS 1371100 6.87 608323 4.61 1266228 4.95 71423 0.23
Conveyor belts or belting reinforcedwith textile materials where rubber compound content less than 25% by weight KGS 10300 0.12 5077 0.02 11055 0.06 1 0.00003
Conveyor belts or beltingreinforced with textile materials where rubber compound content more than 25% by weight KGS 3101378 5.89 2881886 5.71 3519399 6.80 263094 0.46
Other Conveyor belts or beltingwhere rubber compound content less than 25% by weight KGS 16936 0.10 5221 0.04 101675 0.11 221 0.00
Other Conveyor belts or beltingwhere rubber compound more than 25% by wt. KGS 1004014 4.16 612064 3.75 744859 4.70 30564 0.30
Endless Conveyor belts or beltingof v-belt,v- ribbedof circumference between 180 cm and 240 cm where rubber compound less than 25% by weight KGS 83034 0.63 88216 0.46 66194 0.45 851 0.004
Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-sectionv-belt/v- ribbedof circumference between 180 cm and 240 cm where rubber compound more than 25% by weight KGS 739660 6.46 428889 5.35 412383 4.87 37911 0.38
Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-sectionof v-belt/other than v-ribbed of circumference between 60 cm and 180 cm where rubber compound less than 25% by KGS 784 0.01 9103 0.03 860 0.01 NIL NIL
Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-sectionof v-belt/other than v-ribbed of circumference between 60 cm and 180 cm where rubber compound more than 25% by KGS 443484 5.37 396584 3.89 302710 2.96 11585 0.16
Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-sectionof v-belt/v ribbed of circumference between 60 cm and 180 cm where rubber compound less than 25% by wt. KGS 1925 0.04 589 0.01 81 0.002 11 0.0003
Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-sectionof v-belt/v- ribbed of circumference between 60 cm and 180 cm where ruby compound more than 25% by wt. KGS 258900 2.39 195710 2.44 180018 2.09 14117 0.18
Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section of V-Belt/Other than V-Ribbed of circumference between 180 Cm And 240cm where rubber compound Less Than 25% KGS 1329 0.02 50 0.00 82 0.003 NIL NIL
Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-sectionOf V-Belt Other Than V-Ribbed of ribbed of circumference 180 Cm And 240cm where rubber compound More Than 25% KGS 66108 0.72 104646 1.38 74136 0.61 4062 0.05
Endless Synchronous Belts,Of A circumference between 60cm And 150cm where rubber compound Less Than 25% By Wt. KGS 285 0.01 5482 0.10 4381 0.10 NIL NIL
Endless Synchronous Belts,Of A circumference between 60cm And150cm where rubber compound More Than 25% By Wt.W KGS 255999 2.44 153674 2.13 116017 1.90 6636 0.14
Endless Synchronous Belts,Of A circumference between 150cm And198cm Where Ruby where rubber compound Less Than 25% By KGS 44 0.00 103 0.001 9 0.0001 NIL NIL
Endless synchronous Belts, of A circumference between 150cm And 198cm where rubber compound More Than 25% By Wt. KGS 22049 0.29 147957 0.49 57696 0.90 1132 0.03
Endless flat belts of vulcanizedrubberwhere rubber compound less than 25% by wt. KGS 1046070 2.69 1790527 3.70 1189308 2.14 3383 0.02
Plybelting of vulcanized rubberwhere rubber compound less than 25% by wt. KGS 4045 0.05 4052 0.05 5501 0.04 NIL NIL
Transmission belt/belting other than flat blt/ply bltwhere rubber compound less than 25% by wt. KGS 395537 2.44 233534 1.51 387187 2.31 26158 0.17
Endless flat belt KGS 15554 0.22 11129 0.15 4675 0.10 19 0.001
Ply belting of vulcanizedrubberwhere rubber compound more than 25% by wt. KGS 1603 0.04 1452 0.05 1236 0.03 0 0.00001
Transmission belt/belting other than flat blt/ply bltwhere rubber compound more than 25% by wt. KGS 3440613 40.25 2810497 39.89 2986961 38.02 146049 2.46
Radials tyres used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) NOS 4048451 136.67 4208963 149.41 4617090 157.74 294120 10.35
Other tyres used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars). NOS 1070695 47.47 1025655 46.62 934999 34.72 63068 2.57
Radials tyres used on buses/lorries NOS 1219722 126.93 895105 124.79 1425678 194.95 107987 15.01
Other tyres used on buses/lorries NOS 62028 6.64 54392 5.27 70850 4.01 1032 0.15
New pneumatic tyres of a kind used on aircraft NOS 21246 21.84 23801 23.23 22342 20.06 1275 1.71
Tyres for motorcycles NOS 771147 9.07 2232442 21.17 2549229 22.46 149846 1.13
Tyres for motor scooters NOS 5526 0.06 24 0.00 32156 0.23 NIL NIL
Tyres uses other than motorcycles/ scooters NOS 14798 0.78 20837 0.75 246838 2.81 5184 0.05
Multicellular polyurethane(mcp) tubes tyre used on bicycles NOS 13899 0.05 2095 0.02 11371 0.05 800 0.003
Other tyres used on bicycles NOS 554688 1.39 619953 1.43 326171 0.77 18103 0.06
New pneumatictyres used on agriculture or forestry vehicles/machines having"hearing-bone" or similar tread.with rim size less than NOS 34989 3.02 30153 2.62 22145 1.78 2138 0.15
New pneumatic tyres used on construction or industry vehicle/machine having"hearing- bone" or similar tread NOS 477 2.94 429 0.31 995 3.22 NIL NIL
New pneumatictyres used on construction or industrialvehicle/machine with rim size more than 61 cm having"herring-bone orsimilar NOS 390 3.08 231 0.58 324 1.32 18 0.04
New pneumatictyres used for other vehicles/ machines having"hearing-bone" or similar tread NOS 515 0.52 344 0.32 2624 1.29 118 0.01
Other kind of tyres used on agriculture or forest try vehicle/machines NOS 1197 0.08 6417 0.40 734 0.02 4 0.0001
Other kind of tyres used on construction or industrial vehicle/machines with rim size less than 61 cm. NOS 831 0.96 1735 1.28 2015 3.30 265 0.13
Other kind of tyres used on construction or industrial vehicles/machines with rim size more than 61 cm NOS 1614 10.07 2519 10.01 3827 18.14 89 0.29
Otherpneumatictyres of rubber NOS 49503 33.29 121506 36.46 111670 29.28 7018 2.02
Retreaded tyre used on motor cars(includingstation wagon/racing cars) NOS 5100 0.13 9167 0.05 NIL NIL NIL NIL
Retreaded Tyre Used 0on Buses/Lorries NOS 2 0.001 1 0.002 17 0.001 NIL NIL
Retreaded tyre used on aircrafts NOS 6523 3.31 3038 2.09 10502 4.68 737 0.48
Retreaded tyre used in vehicle other than two wheeler/motor car/bus/lorry/aircraft NOS 418 0.02 101 0.02 3421 0.01 NIL NIL
Used pneumatictyres for buses/lorries/earth moving equipment including light commercial vehicle NOS NIL NIL 4839 0.09 1021 0.27 NIL NIL
Used pneumatictyres for passenger auto vehicle including two/three wheeler and personal vehicles NOS 235460 2.31 314625 3.43 80669 0.32 5113 0.03
Used pneumatic tyres for other vehicles. NOS 9676 0.21 18592 0.21 418 0.004 NIL NIL
Solid rubber tyres for motor vehicles NOS 12 0.00 77 0.02 47 0.01 NIL NIL
Solid rubber tyres for other vehicles NOS 27486 0.84 5896 0.64 8479 0.80 39 0.01
Tyre with metallic framework NOS 502 0.01 4474 0.03 43469 0.23 2798 0.01
Tyre flaps used in two/three wheeler motor vehicles NOS NIL NIL 570 0.002 22085 0.20 NIL NIL
Tyre flaps used in other vehicles NOS 343352 2.40 570099 2.97 999290 4.08 52004 0.22
Tyre tread interchangeable NOS 229950 0.53 190782 0.50 90780 0.61 2032 0.06
Other tyre flaps NOS 1939 0.31 2254 0.18 13020 0.11 579 0.002
Inner tubes for motor cars NOS 11487 0.11 1972 0.03 7019 0.08 33 0.001
Inner tubes for track and bus NOS 1302154 23.65 470117 5.91 431345 4.74 13464 0.12
Inner tubes of rubber used on bicycles NOS 269569 0.29 327820 0.32 273809 0.26 19016 0.02
Inner tubes for aircraft NOS 784 0.06 418 0.03 590 0.03 NIL NIL
Inner tubes for motor cycles NOS 593530 0.89 2000937 2.69 2159127 2.59 129640 0.15
Inner tubes for off the road vehicle not elsewhere specified or included NOS 208 0.01 1103 0.03 835 0.01 7582 0.10
Inner tubes used in rear tyres of tractors NOS 20830 1.11 13042 0.26 10550 0.21 542 0.01
Inner tubes used in other than rear tyres of tractors NOS 30562 0.29 18555 0.08 7354 0.05 NIL NIL
Inner tubes used in tyres of cycle rickshaw/three wheeler powered rickshaws NOS 23 0.00 2378 0.004 20 0.00002 NIL NIL
Inner tubes used in other vehicles NOS 32278 0.24 37492 0.30 82716 0.90 3847 0.09
Rubber contraceptives male(condoms) NOS 5613962 0.66 2184657 0.78 11794520 0.75 1008000 0.04
Rubber contraceptives, female (diaphragms) e.g. Cervical caps NOS 493938 0.19 540400 0.21 613452 0.32 NIL NIL
Hot water bottles NOS 6047996 1.85 1803377 1.28 1496387 1.00 103 0.0003
Ice bags NOS 27992 0.02 59876 0.07 29227 0.03 88 0.0003
Feeding bottle nipple NOS 32861 0.06 4476 0.01 55064 0.04 25176 0.01
Other articles of other hygienic and pharmaceuticals articles NOS 128449274 7.95 46787067 3.27 95990900 4.75 4430191 0.24
Surgical Gloves, Mittens and Mitts PRS 323577945 20.42 323548741 20.55 288377991 17.99 17887015 1.10
Other gloves, mittens and mitts PRS 287649482 20.55 444694265 28.86 823567989 33.65 60538668 2.20
Rubber apron PRS 157963 0.28 639183 0.26 1088282 0.38 100 0.01
Labels NOS 2628447 0.40 2494336 0.32 2109388 0.13 56450 0.001
Industrial gloves PRS 20786303 5.01 27796602 7.35 26961810 5.50 496185 0.34
Diving suits of vulcanized rubber KGS 2341 0.06 5281 0.12 4912 0.09 279 0.01
Others article. of apparel and clothing accessories for all purposes excl. gloves/ apron and diving suits etc. KGS 487588 2.11 125261 1.10 149335 1.32 22223 0.27
Other articles of cellular rubber KGS 96081 0.70 106506 0.84 117959 0.74 6729 0.10
Floor coverings and mats KGS 741598 3.77 801300 4.48 914117 5.17 82622 0.19
Erasers KGS 335358 0.94 411062 1.22 483062 1.36 54720 0.12
Patches for puncture repair of self-vulcanizing rubber/a rubber lacking KGS 225426 2.14 92743 1.22 98613 1.26 13530 0.11
Rubber ring(O-ring) KGS 3587723 38.86 2697544 39.97 2209598 33.84 172193 3.46
Rubber seals(oil seals, etc) KGS 5471035 63.46 4103200 61.96 3545968 61.67 202149 4.20
Gaskets KGS 3723151 41.91 3310496 42.41 2358098 34.78 150625 2.31
Washers KGS 566535 4.86 551223 4.05 226855 3.00 22324 0.28
Plugs KGS 452653 3.86 352322 3.07 291194 2.63 16018 0.13
Other articles of gaskets washers and other seal KGS 4226937 67.01 4209747 70.26 4208494 80.49 281221 6.05
Boat/dock fenders w/n inflatable KGS 96284 1.28 90140 0.71 143430 1.04 2742 0.07
Air mattresses of inflatable articles KGS 7291 0.07 5672 0.09 3478 0.06 3236 0.07
Other items of inflatable articles KGS 538520 4.47 502256 3.57 1132030 6.06 32583 0.27
Rubber cots for textile industry KGS 460676 4.26 421459 4.44 300439 3.56 15486 0.14
Rubber bands KGS 186523 1.19 344329 1.96 336279 1.68 31695 0.13
Rubber thread KGS 165367 0.59 205727 0.70 159589 0.48 13093 0.03
Rubber blankets KGS 424512 7.28 445044 8.49 455548 8.01 19783 0.31
Rubber cushion KGS 339871 2.63 118639 1.67 143942 1.41 16584 0.18
Rubber bush KGS 677739 5.51 550576 5.78 725024 6.95 35010 0.36
Ear plug KGS 63292 0.90 19828 0.41 14721 0.25 2847 0.07
Stoppers KGS 1701952 31.14 1465826 32.29 1820599 42.65 127567 4.03
Others articles of vulcanized rubber excl. Mats/gaskets and other inflatable articles KGS 19296336 194.76 16713438 197.92 16120273 203.35 982757 11.45
Pelts sheets rods and tubes etc. of ebonite and vulcanite KGS 13821 0.17 12309 0.23 20311 0.24 283 0.01
Scrap waste and powder of hardened rubber (ebonite and vulcanite) KGS 205580 0.28 161410 0.12 172517 0.13 515 0.001
Printers roller KGS 26004 0.43 14283 0.23 20577 0.32 1494 0.03
Textile rollers KGS 127 0.002 1046 0.02 13982 0.08 NIL NIL
Type writers and cyclostyling rollers KGS NIL NIL NIL NIL 60 0.001 NIL NIL
Others KGS 959999 5.49 1354972 3.89 2102877 2.93 118098 0.09

NOTE: Figures for 2015-16 and April 2016 is provisional.

KGS= Kilograms ;NOS= Numbers ; PRS = Pairs

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