Question : Committee for Assessment of SAI Centres

(a) whether the Government is aware that a batch of young trainee athletes at the Water Sports Centre of Sports Authority of India (SAI) at Kochi entered into a suicide pact to end their lives;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the action taken against the persons responsible for the said incident and the steps taken by the Government to ensure that such incidents do not occur in future;

(c) whether the Government has constituted Expert Committee to study the status of SAI training centres;

(d) if so, the details and the objectives including composition thereof; (e) the terms of reference for the committee and the time by which the committee is likely to submit its report to the Government; and

(f) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to provide basic and better facilities in SAI Sports Training Centres across the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Madam. A batch of young four girl trainees tried to commit suicide by consuming poisonous fruit on 06.05.2015. The trainees in their declaration alleged ragging by some seniors as the cause of their attempt to commit suicide, but based on enquiries done till date, no such evidence for suicide pact has been established as per information available with Sports Authority of India (SAI).

(b) to (d): Yes, Madam. Immediately after the incident, Director General (DG), SAI conducted an administrative enquiry on 07-08th May, 2015 and submitted his report on 11th May, 2015, which has also been submitted to National Human Right Commission and Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

To avoid recurrence of such incidents, Government has constituted a Committee consisting of eight members under the chairpersonship of Ms. Ashwini Nachappa to study the present status of SAI training centres and recommend measures, as appropriate.

(e) & (f): The committee will examine the issues of Athletes at the training centres and furnish recommendations for resolving their stress levels, quality of food served, timely availability of dietary supplements, cleanliness, athlete grievance redressal, anti-sexual harassment measures etc.

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