Question : Champion Services Sector Scheme

(a) the details of the projects undertaken under the Champion Services Sector Scheme by the Ministry to promote development of the focused sectors;
(b) whether many Ministries/Departments have finalised and submitted the Action plans and the implementation timelines along with a monitoring mechanism for the identified sectors and if so, the details thereof;
(c) the details of actions that have been taken by the Government on the submitted action plans;
(d) the details of the funds allocated and utilised till now out of the total allotted funds to the scheme through the dedicated funds;
(e) whether the scheme has been successful in developing on the targeted benefits yet; and
(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (f): Under the Champion Services Sector Scheme (CSSS) a total amount of Rs.3369.75 Cr for 3-5 years has been approved by the Expenditure Finance Committee based on the proposals submitted by the concerned Ministry/Department, details of which are at Annexure.

As per the guidelines of the Scheme, there is a three-tier monitoring mechanism, namely
the concerned Ministry/Department, the Department of Commerce and the Committee of Secretaries chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. Details of action taken under the Scheme are as under:

(i) Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has initiated the following projects under CSSS, namely:
a. Future Skills PRIME: Under the Future Skills PRIME Programme more than 1,93,000 candidates have signed-up on the FS PRIME Portal. More than 29,000 candidates have enrolled for National Occupational Standards/National Skill Qualification Framework aligned Foundation/ Deep Skilling courses, out of which 4000 candidates have completed the course. Under blended learning programme, Resource Centres have trained 241 trainers and 1182 Govt. officials.

b. Next Generation Incubation Scheme (NGIS): The NGIS aims to create a vibrant software product eco-system to complement the robust IT industry. The 1st Start-up has been launched and final selection of the beneficiaries is underway.
(ii) Ministry of Tourism: For the various components of the sub-schemes of Ministry of Tourism, Rs.38.14 Cr has so far been utilized, namely:

a. Creation of Tented Accommodation in Buddhist Circuit including Promotion & Marketing: Proposals for selection of Consultant/Transaction Advisor for creation of tented accommodation have been invited and Ministry of Tourism is producing short films on Buddhist sites of Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Kapilvastu, Shravasti, Kushinagar, Vaishali, Rajgir and Sanchi for showcasing these destinations in domestic and international markets.
b. Extending Incentives for Improving Air Connectivity: 46 Tourism routes have been awarded to identified airlines by Ministry of Civil Aviation under the RCS UDAN3 Scheme. 21 of these routes have been operationalized till date.
c. Capacity Building Programmes in & around Iconic Sites (Language training of Tourist Facilitators): Incredible India Tourist Facilitator (IITF) Certification Programme, a pan-India online learning programme has been launched and over 7000 participants have registered for the programme and examination for the 1st batch of IITF Certification basic course exam has been held.

(iii) Ministry of Education: Under the Internationalization of Higher Education Scheme, work has started with respect to the following three sub-schemes:
a. Scholarships: A total of 3668 scholarships have been utilised during the academic years 2019 and 2020.
b. Strengthening of Infrastructure: Data collection from all the partnering institutes to identify the institutes for the purpose of this sub-scheme has commenced.
c. Translation of promotional material text in multiple languages: Existing brochures are being translated into various foreign languages.
An amount of Rs 100 Cr was allocated in RE 2020-21, of which Rs 87.21 Cr has been utilised.
(iv) Ministry of AYUSH launched its sectoral scheme in 2020-21 and out of Rs.15.00 Crore allocated for FY 2020-21, Rs.10.59 Cr has been released. Proposals have been invited for establishment of AYUSH Super Specialty Hospitals/Day Care Centres to promote AYUSH based medical tourism and for skill development in AYUSH sector.

(v) Department of Telecommunication was allocated a total of Rs 15 Cr in 2019-2021, of which they have spent Rs.1.07 Cr under their sectoral scheme ‘Brand building of India as Telecom Manufacturing and Services Destination’. Department of Telecommunication has released grants for participation in events like Global Exhibition on Services, Bangalore, BASIS Soft Expo, ConnecTechAsia 2020, AfricaCom 2020, Africa ICT Expo 2020 and India Mobile Congress 2020.


Statement referred to in reply of parts (a) to (f) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.4607 for answer on 24th March, 2021.
Fund recommended by EFC under Champion Services Sector Scheme (Rs. Cr.)
S. Ministry/ Dept. Sectoral Scheme Sub-Scheme/Components Total Budgetary Requirement
20 2020-
21 2021-
22 2022-
23 2023-
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 Ministry
of Human
Resource Development CSSS - Higher
Education Internationalisation of Higher Education
a) Scholarships 562.50 112.50 112.50 112.50 112.50 112.50
b) Strengthening of Infrastructure 100.00 33.30 33.30 33.40 _ _
c) Strengthening Digital
Infrastructure-Multilingual Website 11.50 3.83 3.83 3.84 _ _
d) Translation of Promotional Material
Text in Multiple Languages 0.17 0.06 0.06 0.06 _ _
e) Introducing the City and Heritage Walks 1.12 0.37 0.37 0.38 _ _
f) Orientation/Seminar/Workshop/Alumni
Meet 3.56 1.19 1.19 1.18 _ _
g) Bridge Course in English 31.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 _ _
Total 710.35 161.75 161.75 161.86 112.50 112.50
2 Department
of Telecommunication CSSS –
Services a) Brand Building of India as a
Telecom Manufacturing and Services
Destination 46.20 15.40 15.40 15.40 _ _
b) Setting up of Digital Communications
Innovation Square 104.00 17.50 44.50 42.00 _ _
Total 150.20 32.90 59.90 57.40 _ _
3 Ministry of
AYUSH CSSS - Medical
Value Travel Medical Tourism in AYUSH Sector
a) Establishment of AYUSH Health Care
Super Specialty Day Care/Hospital* 514.00 117.78 178.99 121.71 66.55 28.95
b)Skill Development in AYUSH Sector and
Establishment of AYUSH GRID 255.00 103.39 80.12 71.50 _ _
Total 769.00 221.17 259.11 193.21 66.55 28.95
4 Ministry of
Housing and
Urban Affairs CSSS –
Construction and
Services Nirman Kaushal Vikas Yojana
a) Improving Vocational Training
Infrastructure and Certification for Skilled
Workers in the Construction Industry 251.00 83.60 83.70 83.70 _ _
b) Promotion of Onsite Training of
Workers and Apprenticeship in the
Construction Industry 281.00 93.60 93.70 93.70 _ _
c) Promotion of Research and Innovation
in the Construction Sector 124.00 41.40 41.30 41.30 _ _
Total 656.00 218.60 218.70 218.70 _ _
5 Ministry of
Tourism CSSS - Tourism and Hospitality Services a) Creation of Tented Accommodation in
Buddhist Circuit 140.00 32.00 50.00 58.00 _ _
b) Extending Incentives for Improving Air
Connectivity 225.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 _ _
c) Capacity Building Programs in &
Around Iconic Sites 90.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 _ _
d) Incentives to Tour Operators in
Emerging Markets 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 _ _
e) MICE Tourism 5.40 1.58 1.80 2.02 _ _
Total 535.40 163.58 181.80 190.02 _ _
6 Ministry of
Electronics &
Technology CSSS - IT-ITeS a) Future Skills PRIME (NASSCOM) 436.87 145.62 145.62 145.63 _ _
b) Next Generation Incubation Services 95.03 31.68 31.68 31.67 _ _
c) Market Development Initiative in
Nordic and African Region 4.86 1.62 1.62 1.62 _ _
d) Market Outreach (ESC) 12.04 4.01 4.01 4.02 _ _
Total 548.80 182.93 182.93 182.94 _ _
Grand Total for 6 Nodal Ministries/Dept. 3369.75 980.93 1064.19 1004.13 179.05 141.45

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