Question : Mine Safety Measures

(a) the names of the companies in which inspection of mine safety measures has been conducted by the Government during the last year;
(b) the names of the companies in which irregularities were found in this regard along with the action taken against them indicating the nature of the action;
(c) whether the Government has failed to enforce mine safety measures as a result of which several accidents have taken place and are still taking place;
(d) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and
(e) the corrective steps taken/to be taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b): Safety in mines is regulated through the Mines Act, 1952 which is administered by the Ministry of Labour & Employment, the provisions of which are enforced by the Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS). As per information provided by DGMS, 2549 inspections of mine safety measures were made during the year 2017-18 (up to March, 2018) and the violation letters were issued subsequently. The list of company-wise mines inspected is maintained in DGMS.
(c) to (e): No, Madam. In order to prevent accidents and disasters in mines and to ensure safety of the mine workers, adequate provisions have been made under the Mines Act, 1952 and Rules made thereunder. The provisions for ensuring safety are implemented in mines wherever such dangers and risks exist. A systematic risk and hazard assessment both by the management as well as by third party is being conducted. The results of such studies are being followed up during the inspections of such mines by the officers of DGMS.

Further, the following steps are also taken/being taken by the Government to prevent re-occurrence of accidents in future:
(i) To promote and propagate safety awareness in mines, National Safety Awards (Mines), National Conference on Safety in Mines are organized by DGMS. National Conference on Safety in Mines enhances safety of mine workers.

(ii) Workers participation and sensitization in matters of safety are ensured through training in safety and by initiatives like celebration of safety week and safety campaigns, etc.
(iii) Safety training programmes are organized among Managers and Supervisors for improving safety standards in mines.
(iv) Introduction of Risk Assessment Techniques and preparation of safety management plan aimed at elimination of risks and to ensure safety of workmen.
(v) Introduction of standard operating procedures to avoid unsafe practices in mines.
(vi) DGMS issues circular regularly for mining industries to take preventive measures.


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