Question : User-friendly GSTN

a) whether Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN), the Information Technology (IT) service provider for Goods and Services Tax (GST) has sought the views of the taxpayers about their experience and difficulties;

b) if so, the details thereof and the responses received thereon especially in Uttar Pradesh, State-wise;

c) whether the views received have been assessed and if so, the details and the outcome thereof; and

d) the steps taken to improve the systems and make it user-friendly?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) Yes Madam. A survey was conducted by GSTN on overall taxpayer’s satisfaction during the months of October 2017 & November 2017. The taxpayers for the Survey were selected at random, on the basis of their most recent activity, on the GST portal. The Survey was not conducted State-wise. On the basis of the Survey/ response received, suggestions / concerns were identified. The action/ steps taken by GSTN in this regard is annexed as ANNEXURE.

(d) The aforesaid steps have improved the system and made it user-friendly. Further, the following steps have been taken to make GST system simpler for tax payers:

i. Edit facility is available in returns and other forms.
ii. Offline tools for return preparation and other functionalities have been provided.
iii. User manual, Video tutorials and FAQs have been provided for different functionalities which can be used by the tax payer.

Approximately 60,000 tax officers/officials of Central/State Government have been trained so that they can assist taxpayer and resolve their queries/grievances and train them on various functionalities.

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