Question : National Tourist Places

(a) the details of national tourist places in the country, State-wise and the manner in which these are being maintained;
(b) the actual expenditure incurred on their maintenance and upkeep per annum;
(c) the details of tourist places that are in a dilapidated condition presently and need renovation; and
(d) the time by which these will be renovated?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Archaeological Survey of India has 3691 numbers of protected monuments of National importance in the country, which are also the Tourist Places. The conservation work of them is attended regularly as per the requirements of different sites and availability of resources and they are in a good state of preservation. The State-wise list of protected monuments is placed at Annexure.

The details of expenditure incurred for conservation and maintenance of protected monuments in the country during the last three years are as under:
Rupees in lakhs
2016-17 Rs.30129.37
2017-18 Rs.41076.79
2018-19 Rs.40502.01
The protected monuments of ASI are in a fairly good state of preservation.

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