Question : Land Acquired for SEZs

(a) the total area of land acquired for development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the country including Rajasthan during the last three years, State/UT-wise;
(b) the details of the purpose to acquire these lands under SEZs and whether the said purposes are accomplished and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the land acquired under SEZs has been given to private companies instead of setting up Government industries and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(d) the details of lands which are lying vacant/unutilized along with the action taken for proper utilization of these vacant/ unutilized lands under SEZs;
(e) whether the non-profit organisations working for the welfare of farmers has accused corporates of using land allotted to them for SEZ purpose to get loans from banks by mortgaging the land as collateral guarantee; and
(f) if so, the details thereof along with the action proposed to be taken by the Government against such corporates and redeem the land and return it the same to the farmers?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Land is a State subject. Land for development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is acquired as per the policy and procedures of the respective State Governments. The Board of Approval for SEZs only considers the proposal for setting of new SEZs by the entrepreneur which have been duly recommended by the State Government concerned. The SEZ scheme is primarily private investment driven.

(d): Out of total notified area of 44,177.69 hectares in respect of 349 notified SEZs (including 7 Central Government SEZs and 11 State/Private Sector SEZs), 27029.77 hectares are lying vacant in these SEZs as on 31.01.2016. The vacant land is primarily with private sector or State Public Sector Units (PSU) developers. The development of land and allotment to units by the developers is done based on the demand and market conditions. The Government, on the basis of inputs/suggestions received from stakeholders on the policy and operational framework of the SEZ Scheme, periodically reviews the policy and operational framework of SEZs and takes necessary measures so as to facilitate speedy and effective implementation of SEZ policy. At present 210 SEZs are operational.

(e) and (f): In this regard Writ Petition (Civil) Number 1044 of 2016 has been filed before Supreme Court by SEZ Farmers Protection Welfare Association. A reply has been filed by the Government. There is no restriction in SEZ Act for mortgaging land for raising loan from Banks.


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