(a) the number of reports presented by Disinvestment Commission so far;

(b) the action taken so far on each report; and

(c) the time likely to be taken in implementation of the remaining recommendations ?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State ( Independent charge) of the Department of Disinvestment , Minister of State in the Ministries of Planning, Statistics & Programme Implementation and Minister of State in the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (Shri Arun Shourie)

(a) & (b) The Disinvestment Commission has submitted 12 reports in which it has made certain general recommendations applicable to all CPSUs and specific recommendations in regard to disinvestment in 58 CPSUs. The recommendations made by the Commission in these CPSUs and the present status are as follows:

No. of CPSUs for which No. of CPSUs for which	the Disinvestment Government has taken	Commission made decision	recommendations
1. Strategic sale 29 18

2. Trade sale 8 7

3. Offer of shares 5 3

4. Closure 4 3

5. No disinvestment/ 12 14 deferment
Total 58 45

Out of the remaining 13 CPSUs, Government has decided for transfer of equity to another CPSU in 1 case, revival/financial restructuring in1 case, offering voluntary retirement scheme in 2 cases. No decision has been taken in 9 cases.

(c) Disinvestment in CPSUs is a continuous process and is done through an intensive process of consultations, keeping in view various factors like market conditions, financial performance of the Company, terms and conditions of sale, interest shown by the investors and advice rendered by the advisors. Hence, time likely to be taken in implementing all the recommendations of the Disinvestment Commission cannot be precisely estimated.