(a) to (c): India has approached the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for settling some trade disputes we have with certain trading partners. A few of our trading partners have also complained to the WTO against India in certain cases. The present status of all these pending cases in the Dispute Settlement Body of WTO where India is either the complaining country or the country complained against, is given in the table given below.
In all these disputes India has held consultations with the country complained against or the complaining country with a view to clarifying the issues related to the specific measures under dispute and arriving at a mutually acceptable solution. In certain cases no mutually acceptable solution could be reached and either India or the complaining country has sought the establishment of a dispute settlement panel. Timely submissions have been made before these panels setting forth the Government`s view point on the measures under dispute.
Sl. Subject of Dispute Complaining Complaint Present Status Country against
1. Restrictions on export of
products including
raw hides and skins. EC India Consultations held
2. Concerning certain
measures affecting
the Auto motive sector
- Auto policy EC India Panel process near conclusion
3. Import restrictions
maintained by India
for reasons other
than Article XVIII:B
of GATT 1994 EC India Consultations held
4. A series of customs
duties increases
implemented by
Indian authorities EC India Consultations held
5. Anti-dumping duties
imposed by South African
Authorities on imports
of anti-biotics from India India South Africa Consultations held
6. Concerning certain
measures affecting
the Automotive
sector -Auto policy USA India Panel process near conclusion
7. Anti-dumping duties
imposed by US on CTL
Steel Plate imports
from India India US Panel established. First submission made.
8. US legislation on
dumping and subsidy
offset (Byrd Amendment) India and US Panel established 8 other countries
9. Anti-dumping duties
imposed by Brazil on
Jute bags imports
from India India Brazil Consultations held
10. Argentina Drugs Dispute India Argentina Consultations held