Question : Welfare Schemes for Orphan Children

(a) the schemes being implemented by the Government for the welfare of orphan and destitute children across the country, State/UT-wise;
(b) the number of orphan children benefited under such schemes, State-wise;
(c) the funds allocated/released/spent under the said schemes during the last three years, State-wise; and
(d) whether the Government has reviewed these schemes since their inception and if so, the details and the outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): As per the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015,orphanand destitute children in the country are “Children in need of care and protection (CNCP). The primary responsibility of execution of the Act lies with the States/UTs. However, the Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing a centrally sponsored Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme (erstwhile Integrated Child Protection Scheme)for supporting the children in difficult circumstances.The primary responsibility of implementation of the scheme lies with the State Governments/UT Administrations. Under the provisions of the CPS, Central Government is providing financial assistance to the States/UTs for undertaking a situational analysis of children in difficult circumstances, inter-alia. Under the scheme institutional care to Children in need of care and protection and Children in Conflict with Law is provided in Child Care Institutions (CCIs). The scheme also provides for non-institutional care wherein support is extended for adoption, foster care and sponsorship. The details of children who have benefited under CPS scheme as informed by the States/UTs during 2019-20 is at Annexure-I. Details of the funds released and utilized under the said scheme by the States during the last three years is at Annexure-II.The financial norms for various components under ICPS (now “Child Protection Services”) were revised with effect from 1st April, 2014. The key features of the revised Scheme included increased maintenance grant for children in homes, from Rs.750 to Rs.2000 per child per month. The ICPS was renamed as CPS as sub-scheme under Umbrella Integrated Child Development Services w.e.f. 1st April, 2017, as communicated vide Government order dated 20th November, 2017. Following modifications have come into effect pursuant to the said order:
(i) Maintenance grant for children in homes was enhanced to Rs.2160 per child per month,
(ii) Sitting allowance of Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board''s members has been enhanced from Rs.1000/- to Rs.1500/- in accordance with new JJ Model Rules, 2016 and
(iii) Programmatic allocation for Childline India Foundation Head office and four regional Centres, was increased by Rs.9.70 Crore for protection services of CHILDLINE, to address expansion and emerging protection needs.



The details of children who have benefited under CPS scheme as informed by the States/UTs during2019-20(up to 30.01.2020)
Institutional Care [Homes] Open Shelters Specialised Adoption Agencies
# State No. Assisted Beneficiaries No. Assisted Beneficiaries No. Assisted Beneficiaries
1 Andhra Pradesh 66 2954 9 262 14 140
2 Arunachal Pradesh 5 185 0 0 1 10
3 Assam 52 1617 7 104 21 72
4 Bihar 26 1567 5 134 13 138
5 Chhattisgarh 65 2042 10 127 12 95
6 Goa 20 557 2 225 2 16
7 Gujarat 45 1706 0 0 12 86
8 Haryana 24 1322 14 425 7 52
9 Himachal Pradesh 32 1268 4 91 1 15
10 Jammu and Kashmir 17 823 0 0 2 0
11 Jharkhand 41 1466 5 125 12 92
12 Karnataka 79 3124 38 1084 25 319
13 Kerala 30 721 4 100 11 222
14 Madhya Pradesh 67 2804 8 348 26 243
15 Maharashtra 74 2320 2 50 17 170
16 Manipur 42 1160 14 296 7 55
17 Meghalaya 44 868 4 150 4 5
18 Mizoram 45 1178 0 0 7 26
19 Nagaland 39 609 3 60 4 5
20 Orissa 93 7112 12 300 25 250
21 Punjab 19 620 0 0 6 77
22 Rajasthan 85 2459 22 401 24 99
23 Sikkim 16 496 4 64 4 20
24 Tamil Nadu 198 12864 11 275 20 200
25 Tripura 23 717 2 58 6 49
26 Uttar Pradesh 74 3703 20 517 25 247
27 Uttarakhand 20 437 2 50 2 15
28 West Bengal 70 4156 49 1226 23 326
29 Telangana 40 1306 0 0 11 320
30 Andaman & Nicobar 10 401 - 0 2 10
31 Chandigarh 7 252 0 0 2 17
32 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 1 25 1 10
33 Daman and Diu 1 25 - 0 - 0
34 Lakshadweep - 0 - 0 - 0
35 Delhi 29 1614 9 313 3 59
36 Puducherry 27 1043 2 42 2 16
Total 1525 65496 263 6852 354 3476

Status of grant released and utilized under Child Protection Scheme [CPS] as on 30.01.2020 ( lakh)
Sl. No. Name of the State 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Amount released Amount Utlized Amount released Amount Utlized Amount released Amount Utlized
1 Andhra Pradesh 110.74 586.32 1469.88 1537.11 1870.01 1477.11
2 Arunachal Pradesh 52.29 179.54 643.71 180.00 37.63 526.03
3 Assam 413.64 1112.98 2932.68 1608.78 3379.63 2015.65
4 Bihar 2787.92 1923.33 541.56 1609.84 2621.87 1619.23
5 Chattisgarh 527.77 1683.25 3181.97 1701.20 2151.01 2179.68
6 Goa 36.83 98.27 728.53 54.44 16.03 80.17
7 Gujarat 769.95 1526.53 590.11 1767.24 2251.55 1790.09
8 Haryana 0.00 1224.85 1858.22 2500.00 1387.60 1693.65
9 Himachal Pradesh 2345.48 2390.26 1835.01 1833.11 1342.64 1349.88
10 Jammu & Kashmir 43.12 114.71 807.48 807.48 2106.94 1189.53
11 Jharkhand 840.11 842.14 1714.57 1641.76 1480.26 1570.69
12 Karnataka 3720.80 3709.53 3272.45 1364.04 4022.56 3098.95
13 Kerala 260.50 216.96 1849.45 1275.72 1263.77 1289.64
14 Madhya Pradesh 2503.88 2535.83 3262.77 2582.87 2959.23 3070.18
15 Maharashtra 2272.33 1569.37 608.15 608.15 3156.52 1922.01
16 Manipur 241.34 709.47 1886.33 2103.00 3866.99 3660.70
17 Meghalaya 2060.33 2060.33 1846.60 1846.60 2254.51 900.80
18 Mizoram 1949.55 1949.55 1917.51 1917.51 2042.28 2042.28
19 Nagaland 1350.37 1447.50 1457.45 1457.45 1787.12 1779.05
20 Orissa 1089.22 2580.78 2599.30 2782.53 4352.44 3398.22
21 Punjab 581.67 718.31 143.24 875.43 1244.17 535.83
22 Rajasthan 0.00 2267.52 4752.30 2995.81 3584.72 3584.72
23 Sikkim 601.18 365.87 662.76 125.43 379.25 512.55
24 Tamil Nadu 13039.37 3648.55 2013.12 5512.50 7895.14 8622.16
25 Telangana 195.64 1823.98 894.82 633.08 1329.23 1647.72
26 Tripura 676.04 415.30 446.81 499.00 885.77 841.54
27 Uttar Pradesh 3207.19 3109.82 1830.67 4222.98 7834.39 5347.81
28 Uttarakhand 15.54 187.54 907.57 731.40 1344.40 405.84
29 West Bengal 6763.87 3522.60 5073.56 4232.67 2372.13 3391.03
30 Andaman & Nicobar Island 36.88 36.76 31.66 93.36 218.85 201.17
31 Chandigarh 245.44 278.53 194.32 236.17 577.58 259.27
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 177.59 59.11 24.82 69.90 11.24 90.74
33 Daman & Diu 126.42 80.33 21.89 83.00 18.42 67.77
34 Delhi 978.64 1024.94 354.33 907.88 1007.39 849.99
35 Lakshadweep 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
36 Puducherry 826.33 768.69 114.35 426.20 398.43 *
Total 50847.97 46769.35 52469.95 52823.64 73451.70 63011.68
* Statement of Expenditure and Utilization Certificate is awaited.

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