Question : Inclusion of Languages in Eighth Schedule

(a) the steps being taken to include all languages in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution, as the Union Government’s administrative and official languages; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and the present status along with the suggestions received from States/action taken thereon, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b): A total of 22 languages of India are specified under the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India. There have been demands from time to time for inclusion of more languages in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution. As the evolution of dialects and languages is a dynamic process, influenced by socio-cultural, economic and political developments, it is difficult to fix any criteria for languages, whether to distinguish them from dialects, or for inclusion in the Eighth Schedule to

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the Constitution. The earlier attempts, through the Pahwa (1996) and Sitakant Mohapatra (2003) Committees, to evolve such fixed criteria have been inconclusive. Government of India is conscious of the sentiments and requirements for inclusion of other languages in the Eighth Schedule. Such requests have to be considered keeping in mind these sentiments, and the other relevant considerations. Since, several of these languages are spoken in several States, their use is not restricted by State boundaries.


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