Question : Sports Condition in India

(a) whether sports play an important role in generating the spirit of healthy competition and bonding within the community and if so, the steps taken to promote sports;
(b) whether Indian population is one of the youngest population in the world and India has an immense potential for developing into a powerhouse of sports;
(c) whether India is lagging far behind the other countries in achieving excellence in sports and if so, the reasons therefor along with the details of schemes/ programmes formulated to promote sports;
(d) the details of the total sum of money spent together by the Government of India and the State Governments per capita per day on sports; and
(e) the details of measures taken to provide best training coaching, State-of-art equipment and better support services to the sportspersons?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Sports and games have always been seen as an integral component in the all-round development of the human personality. Apart from being a means of entertainment and physical fitness, sports have played a great role in generation of the spirit of healthy
competition, team spirit, sense of discipline and bonding within the community. Needless to mention that achievements in sports at the international level have always been a source of national pride and prestige.
Schemes of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and the Sports Authority of India are aimed at promoting sports in the country by way of broad-basing of sports and achieving excellence in sports.
(b) India has the largest youth population in the world that is poised to increase further in the coming decade. 70% India’s population is below the age of 35 years. The demographic dividend offers a great opportunity for the country to develop into a power house of sports in the world.
(c) India has a large population but its achievements in international sports are not commensurate with its potential. There is immense potential in developing India into a spots powerhouse. Not so impressive performance of India in international sports events can be attributed to lack of bench strength, lack of sports culture, non-availability of basic sports infrastructure at grassroots level, lack of job opportunities etc. However, there has been perceptible improvement in the performance of Indian sportspersons in international sports events including mega sports events such as Olympic Games, Asian Games, Commonwealth Games and South Asian Games recently.
(d) The Ministry does not maintain data about the funds spent by the States on sports. As far as the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India is concerned, Rs. 1020.94 crore (Plan and Non-Plan) were spent during 2015-16. Taking into account population of India 1,210,854,977 as per Census 2011, then per capita per day
expenditure on sports by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports works out Rs. 0.0231.
(e) Coaching/training alongwith state-of-art equipment is being provided to sportspersons under Sports Authority of India (SAI)’s various Sports Promotional Schemes such as National Sports Talent Contest (NSTC) Scheme, Army Boys Sports Company (ABSC) Scheme, SAI Training Centres (STC) Scheme, Special Area Games (SAG) Scheme and Centres of Excellence (COE) Scheme. Further, assistance is being provided to National Sports Federations (NSFs) from the Ministry’s Scheme of Assistance to NSFs for participation of Indian sportspersons and teams in international sports events, organizing coaching camps preparatory to participation in international sports events, procurement of sports equipmments, conduct of national championships and international tournaments in India.
Further, a programme, namely TOP (Target Olympic Podium) Scheme has been formulated in March 2015 within the overall ambit of National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) with the objective of identifying and supporting potential medal prospects for 2016 and 2020 Olympic Games. The selected athletes are being provided financial assistance for their customized training at Institutes having world class facilities and other necessary support. ***

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