Question : Schemes Launched

(a) the year-wise details of the schemes launched by the Government under Ministry of Coal during the last five years along with the details of the targets set and the achievements made under each of the said scheme;
(b) the State-wise details of the proposals received from various States along with the proposals approved by the Union Government under the schemes sponsored by Ministry of Coal;
(c) the scheme-wise and State-wise details of the funds allocated and utilized for implementation of various schemes of this Ministry during each of the last four years and the current year;
(d) whether the Government has set any time-limit for completing the pending schemes and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) whether the Government has any mechanism to monitor the funds allocated to the States/organisations for achieving the said purpose and if so, the details thereof and the action taken against the Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) found guilty in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a), (b) & (c): Funds under Central Sector Schemes of Ministry of Coal are allocated to PSUs and not to State Government. Following three schemes are in continuation and no new scheme has been launched by the Government under Ministry of Coal during last five years. Details of the funds allocated and utilized for last four years and the current year are as follow:
(Rs in crore)
SN Name of scheme Name of sub scheme 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15
Budget/ BE Budget/ RE Fund utilised Budget/ RE Fund utilised Budget/ RE Fund utilised Budget/ RE Fund utilised
1 Exploration of coal and lignite Regional Exploration 150 60 55.78 50 45 115 105.05 63 58.82
Detailed Drilling 350 115 103.50 89.50 80.55 168 151.20 155 135.71
2 Research & Development - 10 10 8.8 10 8.50 20.25 18 20 17.95
3 Conservation, Safety and Infrastructural Development in Coal Mines (including Tribal Sub Plan) Environment Measures and Subsidence Control 0.50 0.50 0.053 0.50 0 0.50 0 0.45 0.40*
Conservation and Safety 59.50 200 200 170 170 170 170 185 185
Development & Transport Infrastructure 140 299.50 299.50 180 180 75 75 75 75
*Re-appropriation to Exploration

(d): Central Sector Schemes implemented by Ministry of Coal are continuous schemes and there is no time limit for completion.

(e): Funds are not allocated to States/organisations from the schemes of Ministry of Coal. Funds allotted to concerned PSUs are monitored through EAT module of PFMS portal. No non-Government Organisation (NGO) is involved in implementation of the schemes.


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