Question : Benefit of Agricultural Schemes

(a) the extent to and the way in which farmers have benefitted from the creation of Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs);

(b) the role of Integrated Farming System and Integrated Bee-keeping Development Centre (IBDC) in the “Swett Revolution” and the way in which farmers can take advantage of this at an all-India level;

(c) the arrangements made for the export of honey and beeswax and their quantity exported in terms of value during the financial year 2020-21;

(d) whether the Government has set a target or made a provision for apiculture and their products; and

(e) if so, the details thereof, State-wise including Madhya Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): Collectivization of farmers, particularly small and marginal farmers into their organizations as Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) helps in gaining in economy of scale and improved bargaining power that helps them in reducing the cost of production and facilitate better market linkages so as to enhance their net income. Farmer members including that of small and marginal farmer members of FPOs avail various benefits and facilities including access to improved technology, better input, credit and more markets which help them to produce better quality crops/ yield. Evaluation Report of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on FPO component titled “Impact Study 7- Enhanced realization of agriculture produce marketed through PCs/FCSCs under MACP” brings out the following major points : (i) sale through Farmer Producers Companies (FPCs) has resulted in increased price realization by members by 22%, (ii) Incidence of cost of marketing is 31% lower than other channels (iii) 28 percent of members have purchased inputs from PCs and it has resulted into net savings of Rs.1384 per acre.
(b): As part of Integrated Farming System (IFS), Beekeeping as an agro-based activity is being undertaken by farmers/ landless labourers’ in rural area which plays useful role in pollination of crops, thereby, increasing income of the farmers/beekeepers by way of increasing crop yield and providing honey and other beehive products, viz. royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis, bees wax, etc. that serves a source of livelihood for rural poor. Integrated Beekeeping Development Centres(IBDCs)/ Centers of Excellence (CoEs) are developed as a role model on beekeeping in the States at District/ Division levels. Under IBDCs, beekeeping related facilities are set up such as nucleus stock development unit, bee breeding centre, latest technological advances/ new innovations centre, center for collection & storage of honey & other bee products, processing and marketing centre, beekeeping equipments etc.
These centers help concerned beekeepers/farmers in adopting scientific beekeeping in integrated manner in the area/ Distt./ State/ National level.
A provision to develop more IBDCs under Central Sector Scheme “National Beekeeping & Honey Mission (NBHM)” approved under Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Announcement and functioning with the objective for overall promotion and development of scientific beekeeping in the country has been set to achieve the goal of “Sweet Revolution”.
(c): Various arrangements are made for the export of Honey and beeswax such as Preparation of Quality standards and procedures implemented by EIC for export of honey, financial assistance by APEDA for honey exporters for Development of Infrastructure facilities, Quality and Market development. Further arrangement includes addressing trade related issues in different countries such as exporter’s registration with concerned authorities in Saudi Arabia and introduction of NMR testing for export to USA etc. Quantity of honey exported in terms of value during 2020-21 is attached at Annexure-I
(d) & (e): Yes Sir. The Government of India approved a Central Sector Scheme “National Beekeeping & Honey Mission (NBHM)” with an amount of Rs. 500.00 crores for 3 Years (2020-21 to 2022-23) under Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Announcement for overall promotion and development of scientific beekeeping in the country to achieve the goal of “Sweet Revolution”. Under NBHM, State-wise allocation is not made. The scheme is being implemented by National Bee Board (NBB) through the approved field level National/ State level implementing agencies. The funds are approved as per the proposals received from National/ State level implementing agencies as per the approved guidelines of scheme.

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