Question : Mission Antyodaya

(a) whether the Government has undertaken a Mission Antyodaya to bring one crore households out of poverty and to make 50,000 Gram Panchayats poverty free;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the extent to which the Mission Antyodaya has been successful?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) ''Mission Antyodaya'' seeks to converge government interventions under various development programmes implemented by both central and state governments with Gram Panchayats as the basic unit for planning by following a saturation approach through pooling of resources - human and financial - to ensure sustainable livelihoods. It aims at providing a model for utilizing the existing resources in convergent manner and to monitor through a ''composite index'' both for geographic and individual deprivation, thereby ensuring accountability and convergence for measureable outcomes at the Gram Panchayat (GP) and household (HH) level.

The framework makes use of information and communication technology to ensure that benefits reach those who are most deserving as per Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC)-2011 data. Backed by a robust MIS linked to schemes'' data bases using a common Local Governance Directory (LGD) code, it would be possible to ensure end-to -end targeting against defined set of indicators to measure progress against the baseline. Over 27 Departments and Ministries of Central and State Governments are participating in this mission through their specific programmes and schemes. The data from different schemes are also shared through Application Programming Interfaces (APls), which are being put up in public domain for complete transparency.

It is within this context that it was proposed to take up ‘Mission Antyodaya’ as a pilot in 5,000Clusters/50,000 GPs with respective state government taking the leadership in implementation of development programs in convergence mode against identified indicators.

Though, it was proposed and piloted in 50,000 GPs, selected based on their potential social capital and community action, in 2017 against 39 measurable parameters, the scope of Mission Antyodaya i.e. to strengthen participatory planning at local level, has been later extended to all GPs in the country. Correspondingly, all India Surveys have also been conducted under Mission Antyodaya with a widened set of 143 parameters, covering 29 transferred subjects under 11th Schedule of Indian Constitution. Year-wise numbers of Gram Panchyats surveyed to monitor progress under Mission Antyodaya Initiatives are at Annexure-I.

(c) Due to widening of measurable parameters considered under Mission Antyodaya and some methodological changes, it may be difficult to bring out a strict comparative picture in relation to baseline scenario. Nevertheless, an approximate comparison as well as progress made in this regard since 2017 is presented at Annexure-II.


Annexure referred in the statement in the reply to part (a) & (b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no. 3442 for answer on 16.3.2021 regarding “Mission Antyodaya”

Year-wise no. of Gram Panchayats surveyed

S. No. Year No. of GPs surveyed

1 2017 50,000

2 2018 2,18543

3 2019 2,68,634

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