Question : B.Ed. Courses

(a) whether the Government is going to replace present two year courses of Bachelor in
Education (B.Ed.) and Masters of Education (M.Ed.) with new integrated courses and if so,
the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government has prepared any plan for those students who are presently
doing two year B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses;
(c) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) whether the Government plans on changing the format of Masters of Education
degree also to bring it inline with that of world standard;
(e) whether the Government also plans on encouraging more practical based
specialisation particularly with respect to all teaching associated degrees in India and if so,
the details thereof; and
(f) whether the Government also plans on opening specialised institutions (Like IITs,
IIMs etc.) specialised in providing B.Ed. and M.Ed. degrees for uplifting the standards of the
education and providing world class and updated teaching methodology in the classrooms
and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Union Budget, 2018-19 has announced to initiate an integrated B.Ed programme for
(b) & (c): All the students undergoing existing teacher education programmes at present will
not be affected in any way and would complete the tenure of their programme.
(d): The duration of the M.Ed programme was enhanced from one year to two years from
the academic session 2015-2016 to address issues related to quality.
(e): From the academic session 2015-2016, the duration of the internship programme has
been enhanced from 6 weeks to 20 weeks in the B.Ed programme to ensure practical training
of student teachers.
(f): The Department has laid an enhanced emphasis on improvement of teacher education
programmes and strengthening of Teacher Education Institutions including the State Councils
of Education Research and Training (SCERTs) and District Institutes of Education and
Training (DIETs).

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