Question : Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram

(a) the basis for identifying minorities under the ambitious scheme of the Government ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram’ (PMJVK);
(b) the number of districts which have benefited through PMJVK so far including the State of Gujarat, Bihar and West Bengal, State/district-wise;
(c) the details of funds allocated for this purpose;
(d) whether any special provisions have been made for women under the same; and
(e) if so, the names of sectors for which provisions has been made?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Ministry has not notified minorities under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram (PMJVK). The communities already notified as minorities under Section 2(c) of National Commission for Minority Act, 1992 has been taken for identifying Minority Concentration Areas (MCAs)under the PMJVK scheme implemented by the Ministry with the objective of
developing socio-economic assets and basic amenities in these areas.The MCAs have been identified on the basis of (i) 25% or more of notified minority population and (ii) backwardness in terms of socio-economic (literacy rate and work participation rate) or backwardness in terms of basic amenities (percentage of households with pucca walls, households with safe drinking water; households with electricity, households with latrine facility within the premise).

(b): The areas presently covered under PMJVK are 109 Minority Concentration District Headquarters (MCD Hqs), 870 Minority Concentration Blocks (MCBs) and 321 Minority Concentration Towns (MCTs). The States/UTs may submit proposals as per the felt need of the identified MCA for consideration of the Empowered Committee in the Ministry. The MCAs identified in the States of Gujarat, Bihar and West Bengal are as follows:

State MCD Hqs MCBs MCTs
Gujarat - 09 15
Bihar 04 75 12
West Bengal 10 158 15

(c): During the current financial year 2019-20, Rs.1470crore has been allocated under Budget Estimates (BE) for the PMJVK scheme.

(d) & (e): As per the priority of the Scheme, 80% of the resources are to be used for construction of assets for creation of infrastructure in the sectors of Education, Health and Skill Development, of which at 33-40% is earmarked for women centric projects. The projects are implemented on a fund sharing arrangement between the Centre and the State Governments/UT Administrations in the ratio of 60:40 for all States and 90:10 for North Eastern States, Hilly States/UTs with Legislature (J&K, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand) and 100% for UT without Legislature. In addition, there is a provision for 100% funding of projects submitted by Central Organisations/Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)/Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs)/Navodaya Vidyalayas (NVS).


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