(a) whether the Government is contemplating to formulate any special scheme to check continuous rise in population of the country;

(b) if so, the measures taken by the Government to create awareness particularly among women in rural areas about the rise in population,

(c) the steps taken in this regard in Madhya Pradesh particularly in Gwalior and other high fertility States;

(d) whether the help of Gram Panchayat is also being taken in this regard;

(e) if so, the percentage of contraceptive pills/drugs being distributed by the Government in rural areas ,State- wise;

(f) whether the above medicines are available to every couple particularly in rural areas; and

(g) if so, the details thereof, State-wise ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) A National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) has been launched by the Hon`ble Prime Minister of India on 12.4.2005 for provision of comprehensive integrated primary healthcare which would among other goals, also assist in achieving Population Stabilization in the country.

(b) Government has been creating awareness through the ANMs, Aganwari Workers, Mahila Swasthya Sanghs, Self Help Groups and NGOs at village level. The NRHM aims at engaging volunteer female Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) at village level to create health awareness.

(c) An Empowered Action Group was constituted in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2001-02 for focused attention on eight demographically weaker States, including Madhya Pradesh. Funds have been released under EAG mechanism for upgrading 2 CHCs per district to 24 hour First Referral Unit, strengthening Cold Chain, provision of contraceptives etc.

Social Marketing initiatives were undertaken in 1998 in three districts of Madhya Pradesh viz Gwalior, Bhind and Morena through Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust of M/S HLL.

(d) Yes, Sir. Under NRHM, Gram Panchayat will be involved in preparation of Village Health Plans and also to provide suitable guidance to ASHA in discharging her duties for the village community.

(e) Statement-I is enclosed. The Ministry provides Kit A & Kit B, Contraceptives, condoms etc. to all State Governments as per demand projected by them. Separate information is not available for rural areas.

(f) These medicines and contraceptives are available under free supply and social marketing programme from public health facilities.

(g) Statement II enclosed.


Mala-N (Oral Pil) contraceptive tablet under free supply scheme & supplied to States during 2004-05

State / UTs	Quantity in Lakh % to total supply	cycles
Andhra Pradesh 44 8.24 Chhattisgarh 15.75 2.949 Gujarat 20 3.746 Haryana 7 1.311 Jharkhand 9 1.685 Karnataka 13 2.435 Kerala 5 0.936 Madhya Pradesh 89.75 16.81 Maharashtra 40 7.491 Orissa 25 4.682 Punjab 9 1.686 Rajasthan 99.54 18.642 Tamil Nadu 10 1.873 Uttar Pradesh 77.33 14.482 Uttranchal 3.64 0.682 West Bengal 50 9.364 Himachal Pradesh 3.5 0.655 Jammu and Kashmir 2 0.375 Bihar 0 0 Goa 0.03 0 Assam 0 0 Manipur 0.2 0.037 Meghalaya 0.5 0.094 Nagaland 0.4 0.075 Sikkim 0.5 0.094 Tripura 4 0.749 Arruachal Pradesh 0.5 0.094 Mizoram 1 0.187 Pondicherry 0.27 0.051 Delhi 2.5 0.468 A & N Islands 0.24 0.045 Chandigarh 0.1 0.019 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.14 0.026 Daman & Diu 0.05 0.009 Lakshadweep 0.02 0.004 Total 533.96 99.996
Stat em ent -II
Statewise supply of drug kits A&B during 2004-05
State/UTs Number of Kits supplied
Andhra Pradesh 23188 Chhattisgarh 7258 Gujarat 14998 Haryana 5267 Jharkhand 7230 Karnataka 17842 Kerala 10168 Madhya Pradesh 20980 Maharashtra 26010 Orossa 13554 Punjab 6396 Rajasthan 20644 Tamil Nadu 0 Uttar Pradesh 42006 Uttarachal 3050 West Bengal 17641 Himachal Pradesh 4138 Jammu & Kashmir 2990 Bihar 22270 Goa 362 Assam 10292 Manipur 1140 Meghalaya 1034 Nagaland 794 Sikkim 380 Tripura 1644 Arunachal Pradesh 900 Mizoram 782 Pondicherry 168 Delhi 1104 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 220 Chandigarh 114 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 72 Dman &Diu 42 Lakshdweep 43
Total 284721