Question : Reunite Action Plan

(a) the nature and details of Reunite Action Plan along with the action plan of the Government to trace the missing children through the same;

(b) the number of missing children traced so far through this action plan;

(c) whether the Government has received any complaints regarding missing of deaf and dumb children; and

(d) if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d): ''Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are State subjects as per Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. States/ Union Territories are competent to take action on complaints on missing children. However, Ministry of Home Affairs has issued advisories to States/ Union Territories to ensure adequate mechanisms are put in place inter-alia, so that in case of complaint of any missing children, the same should be reduced into a First Information Report and appropriate steps should be taken to see that follow up investigation is taken up immediately thereafter.

The Ministry of Women and Child Development has developed web portals “TrackChild” and “Khoya-Paya” since, 2012 and 2015 respectively to track the missing and found children. The Ministry supports 24x7 outreach helpline service for children in distress. This service is available through a dedicated toll free number, 1098 which can be accessed by children in crisis or by adults on their behalf from any where in India.
As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), State/UT-wise, number of missing and traced children (below 18 years) in the country during 2017-19 is Annexed.



Annexure to part (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.833 for 23.07.2021 by Shri Janardan Mishra & Dr. Ram Shankar Katheria regarding “Reunite Action Plan”.

As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), State/UT-wise, number of missing and traced children (below 18 years) in the country during 2017-19 is as follows:
SL State/UT 2017 2018 2019
Missing Traced Missing Traced Missing Traced
1 Andhra Pradesh 3616 2902 3150 2610 3286 2737
2 Arunachal Pradesh 74 48 34 32 46 41
3 Assam 1651 1170 2120 1461 2067 1389
4 Bihar 8493 3271 12072 6967 12404 5208
5 Chhattisgarh 3341 2267 4237 2920 4460 2872
6 Goa 45 14 47 16 62 25
7 Gujarat 2172 1653 2417 1873 1983 1354
8 Haryana 3814 2217 3739 2576 3978 2610
9 Himachal Pradesh 368 271 481 340 534 429
10 Jammu & Kashmir 725 219 800 416 661 260
11 Jharkhand 1099 465 993 377 972 517
12 Karnataka 3195 1954 2864 2314 1385 832
13 Kerala 1755 1595 2153 2002 2335 2195
14 Madhya Pradesh 14116 8834 15320 9284 17058 11256
15 Maharashtra 8581 3364 6928 3214 8276 4322
16 Manipur 97 75 107 82 137 109
17 Meghalaya 148 103 163 119 148 116
18 Mizoram 1 1 3 3 0 0
19 Nagaland 103 101 97 81 53 44
20 Odisha 7446 6281 3491 1139 5503 1490
21 Punjab 2724 872 2587 638 2843 792
22 Rajasthan 3403 2453 3521 2479 4697 3626
23 Sikkim 88 85 57 52 43 38
24 Tamil Nadu 5844 4782 5333 4038 5814 4263
25 Telangana 4304 2984 4410 3152 4566 3911
26 Tripura 166 150 198 188 179 149
27 Uttar Pradesh 5161 2763 5704 2799 6089 3872
28 Uttarakhand 877 572 938 374 1103 440
29 West Bengal 19671 11849 16027 10205 16027 10205
TOTAL STATE(S) 103078 63315 99991 61751 106709 65102
30 A&N Islands 43 35 56 44 55 43
31 Chandigarh 513 207 540 214 528 172
32 D&N Haveli 8 4 4 0 7 2
33 Daman & Diu 34 29 30 17 30 14
34 Delhi 15252 6807 14986 9102 12239 5880
35 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Puducherry 43 43 49 48 49 40
TOTAL UT(S) 15893 7125 15665 9425 12908 6151
TOTAL (ALL INDIA) 118971 70440 115656 71176 119617 71253
Source: Crime in India
Note : Due to non-receipt of data from West Bengal in time for 2019, Data furnished for 2018 has been used

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