(a) the total number of districts brought under Drought Prone Area Programme(DP AP), State-wise particularly in Gujarat, as on date;

(b) the total number of farmers benefited in those States out of DPAP;

(c) whether the Union Government has received requests from the State Governments, regarding the programme;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;

(e) the total number of project proposals received/sanctioned by the Union Government on watershed development programme, State-wise and year wise; and

(f) the role and achievements of NGOs in drought prone areas alongwith the funds receivedlutilised by them?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP) is being implemented in 972 blocks of 182 districts across 16 Programme States including Gujarat where it covers 43938 spread over 67 blocks of 14 districts. State-wise coverage under the programme is given at Annexure-I. Since, DPAP is a long term area development programme for drought proofing basically by rejuvenating the natural resource base on watershed basis, the resource poor and disadvantaged sections of the village community including farmers inhabiting the programme areas are benefited.

(c)to(e): Under DPAP specific allocations of funds to the programme States is not made. Ministry of Rural Development, sanctions new projects, each of 500 hectares, as per the Guidelines of Watershed Development and funds are released to ZPs/DRDAs in installments over the project period of five years. The first installment of central funds is released with the sanction of new projects and the programme being demand driven, subsequent installments are released on receipt of specific proposals from the State Govt./Z.P.IDRDA along with Utilisation Certificate, Audited Statement of Accounts etc. The Ministry routinely receives proposals seeking fund release against ongoing projects from the ZPslDRDAs/States including Gujarat. While releasing the central installments, it is ensured that ZP / DRDA has utilsed more than 50% of funds released to it earlier. So far, 21353 projects have been sanctioned from 1995-96 to 2004-05 under DP AP. State-wise and year-wise details of projects sanctioned is given in Annexure- II

(f): DPAP projects are executed through Watershed Association / Gram Panchyat. The role ofNGOs lies in assisting the project implementation, capacity. building of executing agency and imparting training to various stakeholders.

Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) and (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2919 due for reply on 17.12.2004



SI.No.	Name of the States	No. of	No. of Blocks	Area (in Sq.Kms)	Districts
1. Andhra Pradesh 11 94 99218

2. Bihar 6 30 9533

3. Chattisgarh 8 29 21801

4. Gujarat 14 67 43938

5. Himachal Pradesh 3 10 3319 6. Jammu & Kashmir 2 22 14705

7 Tharkhand 14 100 34843

8. Karnataka 15 81 84332

9. Madhya Pradesh 23 105 89101 10. Maharashtra 25 149 194473 11. Orissa 8 47 26178 12. Rajasthan 11 32 31969 13. Tamil Nadu 16 80 29416 14. Uttar Pradesh 15 60 35698 15. U ttaranchal 7 30 15796 16. West Bengal 4 36 11594
Total 182 972 75914

Annexure referred to in reply to part (c) to (e) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2919 due for reply on 17.12.2004

Annexure-II Details of State-wise and year-wise proiects sanctioned under DP AP
State	Year
Year 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 Total
Batch 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Hariya Hariy li-I ali-II
Andhra Pr. 527 60 321 700 587 314 166 291 287 287 3540 Bihar 101 0 0 0 0 28 46 60 60 68 363 Chhattisgarh 234 0 0 0 0 197 106 116 116 116 885 Gujarat 275 100 19 55 230 329 110 241 250 250 1859 Himachal Pr. 33 21 0 0 17 77 40 50 40 40 318 J&K - 0 10 22 0 132 44 66 66 66 406 Jharkhand 263 0 0 0 19 200 173 164 200 200 1219 Karnataka 406 0 0 0 248 266 245 221 227 227 1840 M.P. 661 0 0 0 265 657 238 265 269 269 2624 Maharashtra 818 0 0 0 219 578 296 300 296 303 28]0 Orissa 192 0 0 0 0 111 221 160 146 146 976 Rajasthan 182 0 0 0 18 271 96 113 96 96 872 T.Nadu 297 0 0 103 299 0 61 144 160 160 1224 U.P. 282 99 56 0 286 93 92 158 160 160 1386 Uttranchal 117 0 0 0 90 58 90 97 90 90 632
W.B. 135 0 0 0 0 60 28 32 72 72 399
Total 4523 280 406 880 2278 3371 2052 2478 2535 2550 21353