(a) & (b) : Under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), 235
projects were sanctioned during X Plan and 338 projects have been sanctioned
during XI Plan in the country so far. After sanction of the projects, works are
awarded by the respective implementing agency after following due tendering
process. The schedule of completion of the project is 24 months from the date
of award of the project. There have been delay in execution of some of the
projects due to the following reasons:
(i) Delay in forest clearance for the land proposals required for execution of
the Projects in some States.
(ii) Delays in land acquisition for 33/11 KV sub-stations by States.
(iii) Limited number of good agencies available for execution of turnkey
(iv) Delays in issuance of road permit and way bills in some States
(v) Very poor upstream rural electricity infrastructure in some States.
(vi) Delay in finalization of BPL lists by some States.
(vii) Delay in taking decision to waive state and local taxes on line materials
by some States.
(viii) Difficult terrain in some States.
(ix) Law & order problem including Maoist Violence in some of the States.
(c) & (d) : The number of projects sanctioned in XI Plan under the RGGVY
during the last three years and current year which are running beyond the
prescribed implementation schedule of 24 months is at Annex. The total
number of projects running behind standard project implementation schedule
is 92, which is 27.21 % of the total sanctioned 338 projects. The reasons are
as mentioned in the reply to parts (a & b) above.
(e) : The Government has reviewed the working of RGGVY. The
following steps have been taken for the effective implementation of RGGVY:
(i) Government of India has set up an inter-Ministerial Monitoring
Committee which periodically meets to sanction projects and review
progress of implementation.
(ii) States have been advised to set up district committees to monitor the
progress of rural electrification works. All the states have notified
formation of district committees.
(iii) The States have also been requested by Ministry of Power to hold
monthly meeting under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to resolve
the bottlenecks in implementation of RGGVY.
(iv) Ministry of Power as well as Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), the
nodal agency for RGGVY, conduct frequent review meetings with all the
stakeholders; the concerned State Governments, state power utilities
and implementing agencies for expeditious implementation of the
scheme as per the agreed schedules.
(v) For speedier and effective implementation of projects, their execution
has been taken up on turnkey basis.
(vi) To ensure qualitative execution of rural electrification works, a three
tier quality control mechanism has been enforced under RGGVY.
(vii) Grant amount of BPL connection has been enhanced to Rs.2200/- in XI
Plan from Rs.1500/- in X Plan.
(viii) To take care of the cost escalation, cost norms for village electrification
has been revised upward as given below:
1. Electrification of un-electrified village Cost (Rs. in lakhs) per village
a In normal terrain 13
b In hilly, tribal, desert areas 18