(a) whether the Committee of Group of Ministers has decided to enhance the compensation to the Bhopal Gas victims;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has also decided the time frame work to disburse the said compensation; and

(d) if so, the other steps taken by the Government to further mitigate the hardships of these victims?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Group of Ministers (GoM) reconstituted on 26-05-2010 to examine all the issues relating to Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster, in meetings held during 18-06-2010 to 21-06-2010, deliberated on all issues pertaining to the tragedy and made various recommendations. The Cabinet in a meeting held on 24.6.2010, considered the recommendations of the GoM and approved, amongst others, payment of ex-gratia to the following categories of the Bhopal Gas Victims at the rates indicated below;

Cateqorv	ex-qratia
Death	Rs.10 lakh (less amount of compensation already Received)
Permanent disability Rs.5 lakh (less amount already received)
Cancer cases Rs.2 lakh (less amount already received)
Total Renal Failure Cases Rs. 2 lakh (less amount already received)
Temporary disability Rs.1 lakh (less amount already received)

For makin9 payment of ex-gratia by the Welfare Commissioner, Bhopal Gas Victims, a sum of Rs.669.00 crore is being provided by the Govt. of India.

(c): It has been decided by the Government that the work of disbursal of ex-gratia should be undertaken through the Office of the Welfare Commissioner, Bhopal Gas Victims, Bhopal as soon as possible. For this purpose, the Office of the Welfare Commissioner, Bhopal Gas Victims, has been strengthened by sanction of 72 more posts including six posts of Deputy Welfare Commissioners and two posts of Additional Welfare Commissioners.

(d): Based on the recommendations of the Group of Ministers, the Government has taken following decisions, in addition to payment of ex-gratia, to provide further relief to the Bhopal Gas Victims:

(i) The Government of India will file an application in the Supreme Court seeking permission to take over the Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre (BMHRC) to be run through the Department of Bio-Technology and Department of Atomic Energy. The Hospital thereafter is to be strengthened, upgraded and run as a super speciality Hospital.

(ii) ICMR will establish a fullfledged centre in Bhopa! which will be its 31st Centre and is to be commissioned within 90 days of the Government decision. ICMR will identify suitable scientists and Doctors, through fresh appointments, deputation etc., and appoint them to the new Research Centre to conduct epidemiological studies and clinical research in areas identified by the ICMR including following areas

a) Respiratory diseases;
b) Eye related diseases;
c) Cancer;
d) Total Renal failure;
e) Genetic disorders;
f) Congenital disorders;
g) Women related medical issues;
h) Second generation children related medical issues;

(iii) Based on the New Plan of Action, an amount of Rs.272.75 crores has been approved for being provided to the Government of Madhya Pradesh, as Additional Central Assistance on 75:25 basis, for medical, economic and social rehabilitation of the Gas Victims and also for providing safe drinking water by purification of contaminated ground water and from other sources. Sanction for the Central Government`s share of Rs. 204.56 crore comprising 75% of the approved amount has been communicated to the State Government on 09-07-2010 for this purpose.

(iv) The reports submitted by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) and Indian Institute of Chemical Technology(IICT) based on studies on environmental remediation of the UCIL plant site at Bhopal shall be peer reviewed by scientists appointed for the purpose and the course of action suggested by these research institutes, as modified by the peer review, shall be accepted by the Government. Responsibility for remedial action is entrusted to the Government of Madhya Pradesh. An Oversight Committee has been established in the M/o Environment and Forests to provide oversight and support to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for taKing the necessary remedial action. The work relating to disposal of the stored hazardous residues, dismantling of the contaminated structure and remediation of contaminated water and soil will be completed by 30-12-2012.