(a) whether the country is not having any advanced all weather helicopters which can fly during any adverse weather conditions or natural calamities like the one that happened in Uttarakhand;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the steps being taken to manufacture/acquire such helicopters so as to meet the needs of such situations;

(c) whether the Government has issued any guidelines regarding the safety of helicopters and flight safety precautions;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether the Government proposes to formulate flight standards in view of the rising number of helicopter crashes;and

(f) if so, the details thereof ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) There is no advanced all weather Helicopter in the world, capable to fly through all types of weather and negotiate mountainous terrain as required in low visibility conditions. Most of the helicopters are in a category of all weather helicopters and capable to fly in winters, summers and monsoon. However, limitation exist in exist in terms of temperature, visibility etc.

In India, for civil flying, Instrument Flying Rated (IFR) helicopters are operational. These helicopters can negotiate/avoid weather but requires appropriate facilities at destination to land. As per Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR), hill flying is to be restricted to Visual Flying Rule (VFR) operations only and it is not possible to provide instrument landing systems in the hilly areas due to space constraint and terrain.

(c) & (d) Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued following guidelines for safely operations of helicopters and flight safety precautions. These Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) and Air Safety Circulars are available on DGCA website

(i) Air Safety Circular 7 of 2013 on subject: Seasonal Helicopter Operations ? Safety Guidelines.

(ii) Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) Section 7 series B Part XII for hill flying.

(iii) Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) Section 7 Series B Part XIV on Recurrent Training requirements for helicopters pilots.

(e) & (f) A separate Helicopter Cell has been set up in the DGCA to look after the helicopters operations of scheduled, non-scheduled and General Aviation in the country. The functions of Helicopter Cell are as under:-

(i) Review of regulations pertaining to helicopter operations from time to time to bring them in line with international regulations

(ii) Ensure implementation of helicopter regulations

(iii) Coordinate with other Directorates in DGCA on issues such as Aerodrome, Air navigation etc.

(iv) Preparation of Handbook of Procedures for the functioning of the division including its updating

(v) Preparation of the Regulatory Audit Plan

(vi) Review of Flight Directorate Training & Licensing regulations for helicopter pilots.