(a) Under the Scheme for Implementation of Persons with Disabilities Act (SIPDA), assistance is provided to State Governments/UTs and to Autonomous Organizations/Institutions under Central and State Governments, for various activities relating to the Act, particularly for creation of barrier free environment for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan).
The number of persons benefitted under the beneficiary oriented components under the Scheme viz. Skill Development Training Programme, Funding to Composite Regional Centres(CRCs) and Unique Disability Identification project (UDID) during the last 3 years and the current year is given below:
Year No. of beneficiaries under skill development programme No. of Divyangjan provided rehabilitation services by CRCs e-UDID cards generated
2014-15 9,000 1,35,503 -
2015-16 28,042 1,52,702 -
2016-17 44,276 3,58,731 -
(as on 7.3.2018) 40,575 2,26,671 5,50,000
(b) The allocation of funds is not done to State/UT Governments under the Scheme. Funds are released based on receipt of complete proposals in all respects.
Funds amounting to Rs.1012.30 lakhs have been released to the State of Madhya Pradesh during the current year (as on 07.3.2018) for various activities under the Scheme.
(c) Under the SIPDA Scheme assistance has been provided mainly for the following activities during the last 3 years and current year:-
(i) Creation of barrier free environment in Government buildings.
(ii) Making Govt. websites accessible.
(iii) Skill Training Programme for Persons with Disabilities.
(iv) Funding of Composite Regional Centres (CRCs)/District Disability Rehabilitation Centres (DDRCs).
(v) Identification and Survey/Universal ID of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan).
(vi) Establishment of early diagnostic and intervention centres at District Headquarters for hearing impaired infants and young children.
(vii) One time grant for strengthening the Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan).
(viii) Construction of special recreation centres for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan).
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