Question : Abhaya Scheme

(a) whether the Government proposes to upgrade the existing One-Stop Centres on the lines of innovative ‘Abhaya Scheme’ and implement the same in a better and scientific way;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) : The One Stop Centre (OSC) Scheme is approved since 1st April, 2015 by Government of India under Nirbhaya Fund to be set up across the country for women affected by violence. The OSC scheme aims to facilitate women affected by violence with a range of integrated services under one roof including police facilitation, medical aid, psychological counseling, legal support and temporary shelter. Under the OSC Scheme, 100% funds are disbursed to districts for setting up and running of OSCs. Till date 728 OSCs have been approved by Government of India in 724 districts. Out of these, 680 OSCs are operational and have addressed more than 2.5 lakh cases of women. To upgrade the quality of OSCs, training and capacity building initiatives are undertaken for OSC functionaries through various trainings and capacity building programmes at the National, Regional and State levels. Further, monitoring of OSC is undertaken from time to time at various levels through visits, review meetings, video conferences, inspection reports etc. An online tool of Sakhi Dashboard has also been developed by Government of India for capturing data about OSCs regarding details of cases as well as the facilities and services provided to violence affected women coming to OSCs.

The Abhaya Project of Government of Andhra Pradesh is a separate project which has been appraised by Government of India under Nirbhaya Fund. It consists of installation of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and related software in public transport vehicles for safety of women and girls.


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