Question : Tea Plantation Estates

(a) the number of tea plantations/estates in the country owned by the Union Government and the State Governments respectively;
(b) the total number of employees engaged as labourers and management workers in all the Government sector tea plantations;
(c) whether the private sector tea plantation labourers are paid higher wages as compared to those working in public sector tea plantations;
(d) if so, the facilities provided to the labourers and other workers in public sector tea plantations; and
(e) the number of aforesaid employees who own pucca houses?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): The Central Government does not own any tea plantations. Two (2) tea garden/estate are owned by the State Governments and there are 41 tea gardens owned under Public Sector Undertaking. The details of the tea gardens owned by the State Governments and Public Sector Undertakings including the total number of employees and labourers are given at Annexure.

(c) to (e): The tea garden workers are covered under Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The fixation of minimum wages for the tea garden labourers, falls under the purview of the State Government which is the Appropriate Government to fix/revise the minimum wages. The tea plantation workers are paid wages as per the negotiated agreement reached, through a process of collective bargaining between the Producer Associations and Workers Unions under the aegis of the respective State Government.
The Plantations Labour (PL) Act, 1951 regulates the conditions of work in plantations and provides for the welfare of plantation labour including tea workers and their families. The Act, envisages the employers to provide the workers with housing, medical facilities, sickness and maternity benefits and other forms of social security measures. There are provisions for educational facility for the worker’s children, drinking water, conservancy, canteens, creches and recreational facilities for the benefit of the plantation workers and their families in and around the work places in the plantation estates. The Plantation Labour Act is implemented through the concerned State Government.
The welfare provisions of the Plantation Labour Act, 1951 have now been subsumed in two labour codes- the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 and Social Security Code, 2020.

Tea Gardens owned by the State Governments:
Sl. No Ownership of the Garden/State Government Name of the Tea Estate Total No. of Employee Total No. of Workers
1 Government of Sikkim Temi Tea Estate Executive – 3
Staff – 26 402 (Permanent)
164 (Temporary)
2 Government of Kerala
Run by: Co-operative Department
Chairman: Collector of Wayanad Priyadarshini Tea Estate Staff – 5
Special Category – 25 350
Total 916

Tea Gardens owned by the Public Sector Undertakings:
Sl.No Name of the Tea Gardens State Details of workers
Gardens owned by Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd, an Undertaking of Govt. of Tripura Permanent Temporary
1 Brahmakunda Tea Estate Tripura 110 68
2 Kamalasagar Tea Estate Tripura 157 43
3 Machmara Tea Estate Tripura 76 65
Tea Gardens owned by M/s. Andew Yule & Comp. Ltd.
4 Bamunbari Tea Estate Assam 86 0
5 Basmatia Tea Estate Assam 529 645
6 Bogijan Tea Estate Assam 273 130
7 Desam Tea Estate Assam 673 748
8 Hingrijan Tea Estate Assam 900 410
9 Hoolungoorie Tea Estate Assam 950 1252
10 Khowang Tea Estate Assam 937 900
11 Murphulani Tea Estate Assam 398 650
12 Rajgarh Tea Estate Assam 558 500
13 Tingkhong Tea Estate Assam 1059 1440
14 Karbala Tea Estate West Bengal 1659 542
15 New Dooars Tea Estate West Bengal 1738 951
16 Choonabhuti Tea Estate West Bengal 1214 372
17 Banarhat Tea Estate West Bengal 1247 989
18 Mim Tea Estate West Bengal 426 91
Gardens owned by Assam Tea Corporation Ltd.,
19 Bholaguri Tea Estate Assam 209 0
20 Deepling Tea Estate Assam 1117 0
21 Neghreting Tea Estate Assam 1184 0
22 Messamara Tea Estate Assam 810 0
23 Rungmatty Tea Estate Assam 788 0
24 Cinnamara Tea Estate Assam 2064 0
25 Sycotta Tea Estate Assam 2372 0
26 Naganijan Tea Estate Assam 961 62
27 Longai Tea Estate Assam 1624 0
28 Isabheel Tea Estate Assam 1019 0
29 Bidyanagar Tea Estate Assam 476 205
30 Amluckie Tea Estate Assam 1134 163
31 Dejoo Valley Tea Estate Assam 648 120
32 Loongsoong Tea Estate Assam 917 1111
33 Rajabarie Tea Estate Assam 156 265
Gardens owned by Tamilnadu Tea Plantation Corporation Limited
34 Lawson Tea Division Tamil Nadu 784 0
35 Tantea Cherambady,Cherangode & Kolapally Tea Divisions Tamil Nadu 1623 417
36 Tantea Pandiar & Devala Tea Division Tamil Nadu 706 217
37 Naduvattam Tea Division Tamil Nadu 365 0
38 Kotagiri Tea Division Tamil Nadu 260 6
39 Coonoor Tea Division Tamil Nadu 248 12
Gardens owned by Karnataka Forest Development Ltd
40 Galibeedu Tea Project Karnataka NA NA
Gardens owned by Kerala Forest Development Corporation Limited
41 Wayanad Tea Plantation Project
Kerala 118 31
Total 32573 12405


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