Question : Projects under NRHM

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the state/UT-wise details of the number of pending health projects under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM);

(b) the funds allocated, released and utilized under the said projects;

(c) whether the Government proposes to set up a review committee of the NRHM; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): Public Health is a State subject. Under the National Health Mission (NHM) which encompasses the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) as its two Sub-Missions, support is provided to States/UTs as per their resource envelope for strengthening their health care systems based on requirements posed by the States/UTs in their Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs). Approvals under the NRHM have been accorded to all the States.
A Statement showing State wise Allocation, Release & Expenditure under NHM in 2014-15 is at Annexure.
(c ): There is no such proposal.

(d): Does not arise in view of (c) above.

Statement Showing Statewise Allocation, Release and Expenditure under NHM
Rs. in crore
Sl. No. States 2014-15
Allocation Release Exp
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 28.22 23.36 24.33
2 Andhra Pradesh 707.15 519.73 902.91
3 Arunachal Pradesh 185.65 139.41 69.50
4 Assam 1095.38 877.13 915.88
5 Bihar 1292.13 1148.32 1427.40
6 Chandigarh 19.40 12.15 15.26
7 Chattisgarh 555.66 500.41 716.04
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 13.99 8.40 8.56
9 Daman & Diu 9.69 6.91 7.67
10 Delhi 192.59 154.04 222.64
11 Goa 27.63 26.03 29.50
12 Gujarat 858.47 832.86 873.66
13 Haryana 317.42 273.60 438.18
14 Himachal Pradesh 232.00 185.84 306.92
15 Jammu & Kashmir 435.17 335.51 393.29
16 Jharkhand 563.92 359.62 372.01
17 Karnataka 834.09 697.24 858.18
18 Kerala 373.58 521.99 509.83
19 Lakshadweep 5.89 5.08 1.36
20 Madhya Pradesh 1250.17 1162.50 1738.02
21 Maharashtra 1536.58 1431.76 1834.40
22 Manipur 144.97 128.81 86.91
23 Meghalaya 160.21 104.13 70.72
24 Mizoram 116.53 103.28 93.29
25 Nagaland 131.26 114.92 63.04
26 Orissa 730.09 667.16 944.10
27 Puducherry 25.46 22.56 23.35
28 Punjab 351.89 379.35 460.59
29 Rajasthan 1238.11 1115.96 1722.69
30 Sikkim 51.42 51.60 41.36
31 Tamil Nadu 968.18 952.75 2248.06
32 Tripura 161.75 123.11 130.15
33 Uttar Pradesh 2650.25 2431.06 3671.26
34 Uttarakhand 308.10 270.55 324.42
35 West Bengal 1053.27 1058.62 1196.78
36 Telangana 506.45 378.72 334.68
Sub Total 19132.72 17124.48 23076.94
Others 1211.51 35.83 0.00
Total 20344.23 17160.31 23076.94

1. Allocation is per Original outlay/B.E.
2. Release is only Central Grants and do not include State share

3. Expenditure includes expenditure against central Release, state release & unspent balances at the beginning of the year. and is as per FMR reporting as on 31.03.2015 (Provisional)

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