(a), (b), (c), (d) : The Planning Commission has constituted a Working
Group on Information & Broadcasting Sector for the 10th Five Year Plan.
The Working Group chaired by Secretary (I&B) comprises 17 other
members including non-official experts in the field of mass media. The
terms of reference of the Working Group are :
1) To evolve Approach to the Information & Boradcasting sector for
the 10th Plan keeping in view the emerging trends in radio, television
and IT enabled media applications.
2) To examine the extent to which expansion of transmission network is
needed and the best way to provide the reach of radio and
television signals to the uncovered areas.
3) To assess the total needs of investment in broadcasting
infrastructure including that for content creation and software and
to assesss the extent of private investment that may come forward
in the 10th plan period and beyond and as to what steps should be
taken to stimuate private investment.
4) To assess the human resources needed for the
telecommunications, broadcasting, media, internet and IT and to
suggest road map for making the same available.
5) To assess the status of the Film Industry and to suggest policy
measures and other steps necessary to ensure production of good,
socially relevant and aesthetically creative films.
6) To take a look at the needs of government publicity including
ectoral publicity programmes and to re-assess institutional
arrangements for bringing out Government publications,
advertisements and media products.
The Working Group consists of experts drawn from the Information
and Broadcasting Sector and their recommendation would provide
guidance for future policy and investement decisions and improved
performance of this Sector.