(a) whether existing growth centres have been completed in all respects like providing Industrial infrastructure etc;

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefore;

(c) the time by which the task is likely to be completed;

(d) the funds released to each State for the development of growth centres during the current year till date centre-wise;

(e) whether some State Governments have requested the Government to formulate a comprehensive scheme to release the sanctioned funds for growth centres;

(f) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto; (g) whether the Government propose to sanction some more growth centres in the country particularly for KBK districts of Orissa; (h) if so, the details thereof; and (i) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) : Of the 68 growth centres sanctioned by the Government so far, 27 have become functional as allotment of industrial plots has commenced there. The remaining growth centres are at various stages of implementation by the State Governments.

Growth centre is an infrastructure development project and involves land acquisition which is a statuary quasi judicial time consuming process and land development, which includes development of plots, roads, water supply, drainage etc. These are long gestation. The Central Government acts as a facilitator and contributes Rs.10 crore per Growth Centre (Rs.15 crore in the case of Growth Centres in the North Eastern States) by way of equity. The project is implemented by the State Government and its agencies who are responsible to raise balance funds for the project. States are the major stake holders in the Growth Centre and therefore target for their completion cannot be Centrally laid down.

(d): A list is at Annexure.

(e) No, Sir.

(f) Does not arise.

(g) No, Sir.

(h) Does not arise.

(i) Growth Centres have been allotted to various States and UTs at the beginning of the Scheme on the basis of a criteria laid down by a Committee headed by Secretary, Planning Commission. Government do not propose to sanction any additional / fresh growth centre to any State.

Annexure referred to in reply to part ( d ) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No 3110 for answer on 08.12.2000.
Amount of Central Assistance released during the Financial Year 2000-2001 (Upto 05.12.2000 )
(Rs. in Lakh)
Sl. No.Name of the State, Growth Centre (District )	Amount released
1. GUJARAT Palanpur ( Banaskantha ) 150.00
2. HARYANA Saha ( Ambala ) 150.00
3. MIZORAM Luangmual ( Aizawl ) 250.00

4. JAMMU AND KASHMIR Lassipora (Pulwama) 200.00

5. Tamil Nadu Oragadam ( Kancheepuram) 150.00 6. Manipur Lamlai- Napet (Imphal East) 100.00

7 Tripura Bodhjungnagar ( West Tripura) 250.00

8. Maharashtra Nanded (Nanded ) 50.00

9. Madhya Pradesh Satlapur ( Raisen) 100.00 10. Uttar Pradesh Pakbara (Moradabad) 200.00 Total 1600.00