Question : Employment Generated by Private Sector

(a) the year-wise percentage of employment generated by industrial houses and corporate sector including MNCs during the last three years and the current year in the country; and
(b) the details of the targets fixed and achieved in regard to creation of employment opportunities by the said companies during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b): Employment generation has been one of the most important priorities of the Government. Employment generation is both a cause and consequence of economic growth and is impacted by demographic shifts and technological transformations.

To assess the effect of economic slowdown on employment in India, Labour Bureau under Ministry of Labour & Employment is conducting Quick Quarterly Surveys on employment and unemployment in selected labour-intensive and export-oriented sectors namely textiles including apparels, metals, gems & jewellery, automobiles, transport, IT/BPO, leather and handloom/power loom,. Twenty eight such surveys have been conducted by Labour Bureau so far. According to the survey results, overall estimated employment in these selected sectors has experienced a net addition of 38.81 lakh jobs starting from the first survey (October, 2008 to December, 2008) till the 28th Survey (Oct., 2015 to December, 2015).

Targets for creation of employment opportunities are fixed at the macroeconomic level in the plan documents and not company-wise. The 12th Five Year Plan projects 5 crore new work opportunities to be generated in the non-farm sector and provide skill certification to equivalent numbers with 1 crore earmarked for each year including the current year. The National Manufacturing Policy of the Government targets to create 10 crore jobs by the year 2022. Make in India is a new national programme designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, etc.

A new Scheme “Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana” has been announced in the Budget for 2016-17 with the objective of promoting employment generation and an allocation of Rs. 1000 crores has been made. The scheme is being implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Employment in 2016-17.

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