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(a) & (b): No Madam. It is primarily the responsibility of the State Governments concerned to take necessary measures in the wake of natural calamities. For such purpose, the States have ready availability of funds in their State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF), to which contribution is made by the Government of India and State Governments concerned. The Government of India extends financial, logistic and other support. Additional assistance, over and above SDRF, is considered from the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF), for natural calamities of severe nature, in accordance with the established procedure and on submission of Memorandum for Central assistance by the affected State, also keeping in view the extant items and norms for assistance from SDRF and NDRF. The financial assistance under SDRF/NDRF in the wake of notified natural disasters is given by way of relief and not for compensation of loss as suffered/claimed. The State Government of Madhya Pradesh has sought assistance under NDRF in the wake of notified calamites and amount of Rs.1011.99 crore, Rs.863.81 crore, Rs.502.09 crore and Rs.334.00 crore has been released to Madhya Pradesh under NDRF during the last three years and current year respectively in the wake of notified calamities. However, the State Government of Jammu & Kashmir has not sought any assistance under NDRF.
(c): No, Madam.
(d): Does not arise in view of (c) above.
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