Question : Integrated Tribal Development Project

(a) the works done/undertaken under integrated tribal development project in Maharashtra and Jharkhand during the last three years;
(b) the funds allocated and utilized during the last three years for integrated tribal development project under the said scheme in Maharashtra and Jharkhand;
(c) whether any review has been done in this regard;
(d) if so, the outcome of the same; and
(e) the reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister

(a): As per extant Guidelines, funds are provided to the States by Ministry of Tribal Affairs under the Scheme ‘Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)’ and Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution for development of tribals in the Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDP) area. Details of works / activities approved by the Ministry during 2015-16 to 2017-18 under the above-mentioned Scheme / Grant for the State of Jharkhand is at Annexure 1. Details of works / activities approved by the Ministry during 2015-16 to 2017-18 under the above-mentioned Scheme / Grant for the State of Maharashtra is at Annexure 2.
(b): The amount of fund allocated / released to the States of Maharashtra and Jharkhand under the Scheme ‘SCA to TSS’ and Grant under Article 275(1) of the Constitution during 2015-16 to 2017-18 and utilization thereof reported by the State Government is given below:
(Rs. in Lakh)
State Scheme / Grant 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Fund Released Utilization reported Fund Released Utilization
Reported Fund Released Utilization Reported
Maharashtra SCA to TSS 12514.91 12514.91 9547.00 9547.00 13760.38 3202.72
Grant under Article 275(1) of the Constitution 13374.00 13374.00 11536.53 11536.53 13862.24 2572.45

(Rs. in Lakh)
State Scheme / Grant 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Fund Released Utilization reported Fund Released Utilization
Reported Fund Released Utilization Reported
Jharkhand SCA to TSS 10000.00 10000.00 9820.75 8246.91 11372.49 2195.85
Grant under Article 275(1) of the Constitution 12202.96 12202.96 9489.38 4346.09 12386.93 2154.61

Apart from above, State Governments utilize funds earmarked under State TSP for the development of tribals in the Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDP) area. The amount of fund allocated as State TSP by the States of Jharkhand and Maharashtra during 2015-16 to 2017-18 and utilization thereof is given below:
(Rs. in crore)
State 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Allocation Expenditure Allocation Expenditure Allocation Expenditure
Maharashtra 5170.00 4562.55 5357.71 4957.71 6754.00 6162.93
Jharkhand 14272.00 7755.07 16304.95 14935.26 18092.70 14627.20

(c) & (d): The erstwhile Planning Commission had conducted evaluation study through National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad in 2013 to examine the impact of implementation of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) by the State Governments through the State level agencies including Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs) / Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDPs). Evaluation study was carried in 14 States including Jharkhand and Maharashtra. In each State, two districts were selected and from each district, one ITDP/ITDA was selected for undertaking evaluation. The Study Report broadly indicated underperformance of financial resources under TSP, as there still exists visible gap in literacy and other human development indices between Scheduled Tribes and other social groups. Major findings are as follows:
(i) The nature of the grant as additive to State Plan efforts is not self-explanatory. The term ''additive'' be elaborated to indicate the level at which the addition has to be made viz. sector, programme, project, scheme level or at the level of beneficiaries.
(ii) Allocation of SCA is too little in comparison to State TSP (1 to 2 % of the total TSP). It is due to this mismatch of the SCA percentage to the total TSP allocation that the State governments do not follow SCA guidelines in letter and spirit and evolve their own practices to suit their own socio-political situations. . When we contribute a small amount of Special Central Assistance (SCA) as the additive in the States'' allocation for the SCSP and TSP, the significance of the Special Central Assistance (SCA) is reduced.
(iii) Special Central Assistance (SCA) should be used for funding special projects emanating from the participatory needs assessment surveys in the Scheduled Tribe majority villages falling in the Scheduled Areas of 9 States under the fifth Schedule of the Constitution.
(iv) It is also important that in the guidelines for the Special Central Assistance (SCA), it should be elaborated as to what should be the level at which the critical gaps should be met. Critical gaps should not be identified at the sectoral, programme, and project levels, but at the level of individuals'' schemes.
(v) The ideal way utilizing the Special Central Assistance should be to link it with the Tribal Sub-Plan of the State.
(vi) Special Central Assistance should be used as gap filling fund to supplement the schemes planned under the Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan/Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP).
(vii) The TSP of a Gram Panchayat should lay emphasis on convergence of the schemes identified for the Scheduled Tribes with the other similar schemes of the sectoral departments.

(e): Ministry of Tribal Affairs has introduced mechanism of Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) in 2014 for appraisal and approval of projects of State Governments under SCA to TSS and Grants under Art. 275(1) of the Constitution. The Committee is headed by Secretary (Tribal Affairs) with representatives of State Governments, Financial Advisor, NITI Aayog, etc. During PAC meetings, Ministry has emphasized the need for adherence to the provisions of TSP Guidelines by the States. Copy of minutes of PAC meetings are sent to Chief Secretaries of State Governments. Further, State Governments have been persuaded for –
(i) Declaring Tribal Development Department as the nodal Department to lead the process of tribal development.
(ii) Constitution of Executive Committee as stipulated in the Guidelines to ensure proper planning, coordination and convergence of financial resources.
(iii) Address gaps and deficit to mitigate inter-habitation variance / inequalities in the socio-economic status of tribals.
(iv) Allocation of TSP funds as per norms stipulated in the TSP Guidelines.
(v) Monitoring of TSP in the manner it has been stipulated in the Guidelines and the framework provided by NITI Aayog recently.
Further, an online monitoring system has been put in place by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs with web address for monitoring of Tribal Sub-Plan since 2017-18. The framework captures data directly from Public Finance Management System (PFMS) and gives us inputs to see through expenditure vis-a- vis allocations in respect of Central TSP. Monitoring of physical performance and outcome of initiatives has also been introduced in the system. A customized proforma has been developed in the MIS to capture location of the ongoing projects and beneficiary details. State Governments have been shared with the necessary credentials for filling up necessary data in the MIS.
From the year 2018-19, the Ministry has started conducting mid-term review with the State Governments with a view to ensure expeditious utilization of funds under the schemes of MoTA.
Efforts of MoTA has so far yielded notable results as under:
(i) With the responsive support of State Governments, overall utilization of allocated funds under the Schemes of the Ministry has been over 90% since 2014-15 in general and almost 100% in the scheme ‘SCA to TSS’ and ‘Grant under Article 275(1) of the Constitution’ in particular.
(ii) Overall Budgetary allocation under Schemes of MoTA has substantially increased from Rs. 4279.00 crore in 2013-14 to Rs. 5957.18 crore in 2018-19.
(iii) All the State Governments except Kerala has constituted Executive Committee under Chief Secretaries, as per the provisions of Guidelines for overall monitoring of TSP formulation and implementation by the line Departments.
(iv) Rigorous persuasions of MoTA resulted in significant increase of 98% in expenditures of State TSP funds by States during the years block of 2010-13 (wherein a total of Rs. 165691 crore was expended) to 2014-17 (wherein a total of Rs.327574 crore were expended).


Annexure 1
Annexure 2 referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2996 for answer on 31.12.2018
Details of works / activities approved by the Ministry under the SCA to TSS and Article 275(1) of the Constitution for the State of Jharkhand during 2015-16 to 2017-18

(i) Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)

(Rs. in lakh)
SN Programme/Activity approved by PAC Amount approved
1. Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture
Approved with the condition that these activities be undertaken in convergence of funds available under TSP component of Centrally Sponsored and State Government’s relevant irrigation Schemes, as a part of convergence of resources envisaged under VKY strategy.
• Irrigation tends to lead farmers for coverage under larger duration paddy. This is not the best economic model. All irrigation schemes should be accompanied by supply of seeds for pulses, oilseeds / vegetable.

• Growing and use of traditional food crops like minor millet, pulses, oilseeds, beans and green leafy vegetable be promoted in order to increase nutrition level among tribal people.

• The proposed activities be undertaken in the remote areas.

• Selection of locations and beneficiaries be made in association with PRIs. 1000.00
2. Cash Crop promotion among 3000 ST families
The Committee approved the amount with the suggestion to utilize the fund in convergence with the State TSP funds and Centrally Sponsored Schemes (for example: National Horticulture Mission) as a part of VKY strategy and include:

(140) Setting up of nurseries of fruits, flowers, vegetables through tribal beneficiaries with linkages to the market to enable them for sustainable income generation.

(ii) Growing and use of drum stick / beans / green leafy vegetables among the tribal people be promoted to help nutrition.

(iii) Promotion and practice of Kitchen Garden in the Government run tribal residential schools.

(iv) Promotion and practice of apiculture.

(v) Promotion and practice of sericulture.

(vi) Use of flowers for agarbatti manufacturing.

(vii) Cultivation of fodder like Napier.

(viii) Integrate Horticulture and vegetable growing activities with Dairy development programmes to utilize the organic manures for optimum results.
(ix) Disclosure of schemes through Gram Sabha.
(x) The Project be implemented in coordination and convergence with the line Departments in the State as a part of VKY strategy. 1014.00
3 Construction of 15 Hostel including up gradation of existing Hostel @ Rs. 50 lakh for each hostel 750.00
4. (a) Construction of Archery Academy at Dumka.
Approved with the condition:-
• To attach the Academy with the tribal schools. 1000.00
(b) Provision of Sports facilities in Government run tribal Schools @ Rs. 6.00 lakh (96 schools)
Approved with the condition:-
• To conduct drive for identification and mapping of sporting talents among tribal students. 576.00
5. Provision for Solar Power Generator in tribal School @ Rs. 1.50 Lakh
Approved with the condition to train local students as Solar technician / electrician. 144.00
6 Fishery Development
To be undertaken in convergence with the State TSP and Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Further the Committee advised -
? to upgrade the existing potential water bodies to be utilized as fishery production units out of the funds under MGNREGS. For this the data supplied by NRSC, Department of Space should also be used.

? to ensure proper hatcheries for production of spawns, fries, and fingerlings through State Run agencies. While production of spawns needs to be handled by State run agencies or large cooperatives, production of fingerlings should be promoted through tribal farms. This will also lead to upgradation of skills in fisheries in the local communities.

? to ensure proper linkages to market value chain.
? to provide training to the tribal beneficiaries 600.00
7 Poultry Backyard
State Govt. will arrange for State run hatcheries through ITDA/ITDPs 400.00
8 Training of STs for ANM/Nurses/Lab. Technicians
State Govt. would ensure:-
? to train 500 women as ANM / nurse to be placed in Government run tribal hostels as Asstt. Warden and remotely located PHC / Anganwadis.
? to train 500 local science students as lab technicians to be used in PHC / Anganwadis. 240.00
9. Tribal Festivals/Fairs and supports events
State Govt. would ensure:-
To organize tribal festivals / fairs and sports events at intervals in association with TRI. 120.00
10 Godwans/Cold Storages in Tribal Localities
Approved with the condition to include initiatives for market development and construction of Godowns / Cold storage in tribal localities in order to provide economic opportunities to tribal people. Selection of locations and beneficiaries be done in association with PRIs. 400.00
11 Training to ST students in Science, Math and English streams.

State Govt. would provide Training of locally available ST students for utilization of their services to meet the shortage of teachers in the remote tribal areas in Science, Math and English Streams. The School Management Committee should be authorized to engage local teachers on per-class basis as and when there is need for such teachers. 100.00
12 Dairy Development in the line with model dairy development project prepared by OMFED 1500.00
13 Skill Development 900.00
14 Renovation of Pond 140.00
15 Pig Farming for ensuring livelihood security in villages @ ?. 4.00 lakh per village 200.00
16 Goat rearing/Duck rearing in villages @ ?. 4.00 lakh per village 200.00
17 Vegetable cultivation in villages @ ?. 4.00 lakh per village 200.00
18 Promotion of Scientific Apiculture (Bee Keeping) with honey processing Unit @ ?. 100.00 lakh per ITDA 516.00

(Rs. in Lakh)
Sl. No. Activities Location Funds approved
Committed Liabilities:
1. Construction of 6 no of Ashram School in 2014-15 @ 450.00 lakh.
(Final installment) Sahibganj, Pakur, Goda, Giridih,
Kodarma, Ramgarh 1800.00

1. Indo Danish Tools Room training
Beneficiaries : 200 Adityapur, East Singhbhum 200.00
2. Drinking water and Sanitation in Tribal Hostels
Beneficiaries : 5000
Deep boring – 80 units @ Rs. 227183.00
Toilet with sanitation – 79 units @ Rs. 736457 Ranchi, Khunti, Lohardaga, Gumla, Simdega, W. Sighbhumi, Saraikela, E. Singhbhumi, Latehar, Dumka, Jamtara, Sahebganj, and Pakur 763.55
3. Construction of 6 Ashram Vidyalayas
200 students each
Class – VI to X Ranchi,
East Singhbhum,
Khunti , Simdega,
Bisunpur, Gumla, 3600.00
4. Deep boring & Solar Light installtion in ST Residential Girls Sport centre, @ 15 lakh Mahuadanr 15.00
5. Construction of common hall at SP college campus, Block- Dumka, Dumka 10.00
1. Training of tribal students in para medical / nursing courses
Beneficiaries : 100
For equipment as well as running / capital cost Ranchi 175.00
2. Repairing & Infrastructure development in 30 Health Sub centres @ 25.00 lakhs
Beneficiaries : 650 West. Sighbhum, East. Singhbhum, Gumla, Simdega, Pakur, 750.00

1. Irrigation well
Beneficiaries : 150

Lohardaga, Dumka, West. Sighbhum, East. Singhbhum, Saraikela Kharsawan, Gumla, Khunti, Ranchi, Simdega, Godda, Jamtara, Sahebganj, Latehar (150 locations provided) 52.50
2. Vegetable Cultivation
Beneficiaries : 3000

60 clusters – 50 acres per clusters
Land development and seed purchase.
SHG oriented programmes. Lohardaga, Dumka, West. Sighbhum, East. Singhbhum, Saraikela Kharsawan, Gumla, Khunti, Ranchi, Simdega, Godda, Jamtara, Sahebganj, Latehar 570.00
Animal Husbandry:
1. Goat rearing
Beneficiaries : 1200
(cost of shed and goats) Dumka, West. Sighbhumi, East. Singhbhumi, Saraikela Kharsawan, Simdega, Godda, Jamtara, Sahebganj, Pakur 537.70
2. Pig farming
Beneficiaries : 400
(cost of shed and pigs) Gumla, Godda, Jamtara, Sahebganj, 300.00
3. Poultry
Beneficiaries : 1000
Lohardaga, West. Sighbhumi, East. Singhbhumi, Saraikela Kharsawan, Gumla, Khunti, Ranchi, Simdega, Latehar 520.00
Income Generation:
1. Nutritional Garden
Beneficiaries : 7950 Lohardaga, Dumka, West. Sighbhum, East. Singhbhum, Saraikela Kharsawan, Gumla, Khunti, Ranchi, Simdega, Godda, Jamtara, Pakur,
Sahebganj, Latehar 120.00
2. Promotion of Mango Orchard
Beneficiaries : 60 Dumka, East Singhbhum,
Godda, Sahebganj,
jamtara 21.00
3. Establishment of Pig Breeding Centre Gumla, Godda, Ranchi Sahebganj, Latehar,
Saraikela Kharsawan, 36.00
Promotion of sports :
1. Provision of sports facilities in tribal schools
Beneficiaries : 10000 Lohardaga, Dumka, West. Sighbhum, East. Singhbhum, Saraikela Kharsawan, Gumla, Khunti, Ranchi, Simdega, Godda, Gadwa, Jamtara, Pakur, Sahebganj, Latehar, Girdih, Ramgarh, Chatra, Lohardaga, Bokaro, Saraikela, Dhanbad, Deoghar, Palamu Hajaribagh, (58 schools) 250.00
Other activities :
1. Activities involving expenditure in order to implement the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dewllers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 TWC 100.00
Total 9820.00

(Rs. in Lakh)
Sl. NO. Activity Location Fund approved
1 Additional class rooms in Tribal schools (50 ACR @ 7.59 )

Beneficiaries : 1500 ITDA
(1) Ranchi, (2) Khunti, (3) Latehar
(4) Ramgarh, (5) Dumka, (6) Lohardaga
(7) Sahebganj, (8) Godda, (9) Gumla
(10) Saraikela –Kharsava, (11) Pakud 379.50
2 64 bedded Hostels in upgraded schools (3 hostels @ 1.7 crores)

Beneficiaries : 192 ITDA
(1)Sahebganj (Keetajhor, Barhait) (2)Latehar
(Chipadohar) (3) Gumla
(Jehangutva) 510.00
3 2 Additional class rooms in 95 Secondary & H Secondary School (190 ACR @ 8.50 lakh)

Beneficiaries : 5700 ITDA
(1)Dumka, (2) Gadva, (3) Godda, (4) Gumla
(5) Jamtara, (6) Khunti, (7) Latehar
(8) Lohardaga (9) Pakud
(10) West Sighbhum, (11) East Sighbhum
(12) Ranchi, (13) Shahebganj
(14) Saraikela-Kharsawan, (15) Simdega 1615.00
4 1 Multipurpose Hall (MH) in 20 Higher Secondary Schools (20 MH @ 20.50 Lakh)

Beneficiaries : 1000 (1)Dumka
(2) Pakud
(3) Simdega
(4) Ranchi
(5) Jamtara
(6) West Sighbhum 410.00
5 Construction of 2 Ashram Vidyalaya @ 600.00 lakh each
Beneficiaries : 400 Latehar, Ranchi 1200.00
6 Upgradation of High school to 10 +2 school
5 school @ Rs. 400.00 lakh per unit
Beneficiaries - 2157 (i) Dumka
(ii) Sunderpahadi, Godda
(iii) Khunti
(iv) Potka, East Singhbhum
(v) Bansjor, Simdega 2000.00
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
1 Livelihood enhancement through livestock intensification (Goat
rearing )

1500 beneficiaries @ 0.608 lakh each) (1)Dondua, Dumka
(2) Narda, East Sighbhum
(3) Mohanpur, Godda
(4) Banodih, Jamtara
(5) Barubera, Khunti
(6) Ukamar, Mail Latehar
(7) ChotaKutlu, Haripur, Pakur
(8) Kanchi, Ranchi
(9) Parasi, Ranchi
(10) Kharao, Sahebganj
(11) ChotaBandi, Saraikela- Kharsawan
(12) Richituka
(13) Galubasa, West Sighbhum
(14) Bandijari, West Sighbhum 912.00

2 Livelihood enhancement through livestock intensification (Pig farming)
300 beneficiaries @ 0.75 lakh each) ITDA / MADA
(1)Lango, East Sighbhum
(2) Kusumghati, Godda
(3) Bara Durgapur, Sahebganj 225.00
3 Livelihood enhancement through livestock intensification (Poultry)

700 beneficiaries @ 0.52 lakh each) ITDA / MADA
(1) Labagai, Gumla
(2) Bhargao, Gumla
(3) Mojra, Jamtara
(4) Ttundaon, Khunti
(5) Cheriga, Lohardaga
(6) Birkera, Simdega
(7) Hurungda, Saraikela-Kharsawan 364.00
4 Lift Irrigation (10 unit@ 6.80 lakh, 39 unit @ 7.90 lakh, 34 unit @ 9.20 lakh, 30 unit @ 10.40 lakh)

Beneficiaries : 1300 ITDA
(1) Aranda, (2) Bansdih, (3) Birkera
(4) Bokata, (5) Heasg, (6) Jadi, (7) Jamgai
(8) Jarjatta, (9) Kanchoda, (10) Kansir
(11) Kapodih, (12) Karida, (13) Katkaya
(14) Kemte, (15) Keradih (16) Khursuta
(17) Kobja (18) Kpur, (19) Kulmunda
(20) Latu, (21) LodamKothatoli (22) Loki
(23) Lunga, (24) Luru (25) Marda
(26) Masgaon, (27) Murumkela (28) Nawagarh
(29) Pakartoli, (30) Parasima (31) Parsa
(32) Pibo, (33) Pogra, (34)Raghunath-pur
(35) Raidih, (36) Ramja, (37) Rengola
(38) Salkaya, (39) Semartoli, (40) Sikoi
(41) Silam, (42) Sipringa, (43) Sursang
(44) Telya (45) Tetardih, (46) Tudurma
(47) Tulmunga, (48) Turidih, (49) Unchdih
(50) Uper Khatanga 1000.00
Income Generation
1 Nutritional Garden (8000 units @ 1500/- each)
Beneficiaries : 8000 (1) Dumka, (2) East Singhbhum,(3) Godda, (4) Gumla, (5) Jamtara, (6) Khunti, (7) Latehar
(8) Lohardaga, (9) Pakur, (10) Ranchi
(11) Sahebganj, (12) Simdega, (13) Saraikela- Kharsawan, (14) West Singhbhum 120.00
2 Promotion of Mango Orchard (10 acre patch @ 3.50 lakh)

Beneficiaries : 70 (1) Chandana, Godda, (2) Masmano, Lohardaga, (3) Bara Rakso, Sahebganj
(4) Pithra, Simdega, (5) Barakuchia, West Singhbhum 17.50
3 Establishment of Pig Breeding Centre (10 units @ 6 lakh)

Beneficiaries : 100 (1)Rampur, Dumka, (2) Damdih, East Singhbhum, (3) Barakerlo, Godda
(4) Olmunda, Gumla, (5) Mirgapahari, Jamtara
(6) Birbanki, Khunti, (7) Garadih, Lohardaga
(8) Pusarbhita, Pakur, (9) Kadma, Sahebganj
(10) Katanga, Saraikela- Kharsawan 60.00
Skill Development
1 Skill Development for ST candidates
Beneficiaries : 250 ITDA
(1)Tharpakhna, (2) Ranchi, (3) Sahebganj 300.00
Promotion of Sports and Games
1 Sports facility- Astro turf at Govt. Girls H/ S Bariatu Ranchi
Beneficiaries : 100 ITDA/Ranchi 600.00
2 Construction of 25 seated hostel for girls hockey training centre at Govt. Girls H/ S/ Bariatu Ranchi
Beneficiaries : 25 ITDA/Ranchi 100.00
3 Construction of 50 bedded hostel at residential athletics training centre in Gumla
Beneficiaries : 50 ITDA/Gumla 160.00
4 02 hostel (hundred seated) for boys and girls each and 15 staff quarters in Deoghar
Beneficiaries : 200 MADA/Deoghar 700.00
5 50 Seated hostel for residential girls volleyball training centre in Godda
Beneficiaries : 50 MADA/ Godda 160.00
6 50 bedded hostel for residential hockey boys training centre, Larchagarh, Simdega 160.00
7 Construction of IAAF standard synthetic athletic track at BirsaMunda Football Stadium,
No. of beneficiaries - 500 Morabadi, Ranchi 464.35

(ii) Article 275(1) of the Constitution

(Rs. in lakh)
SN Programme/Activity approved by PAC Amount approved
1. Remaining committed liability towards construction 100 seater ST hostels (27 Nos.)
(sanctioned during 2011-12) 1310.00
2. Remaining committed liability towards construction of 300 bedded ST boy hostel in Karamtoli, Ranchi.
(sanctioned during 2011-12) 100.00
3. Remaining committed liability towards construction of GNM School, Saraikela & Jamshedpur (2 Nos.)
(sanctioned during 2011-12) 1000.00
4. Remaining committed liability towards construction of Eklavya vidyalaya, Lohardaga & Godda (2 Nos.)
(sanctioned during 2011-12) 1325.00
5. Remaining committed liability towards construction of 10 unit teacher residence in Vill- Hiranpur, Block- Hiranpur, Pakur
(sanctioned during 2011-12) 40.00
9. Remaining committed liability towards construction of New EMRS at Simdega @ 1200.00 lakh
(sanctioned during 2013-14) 850.00
10. Remaining committed liability towards construction of New EMRS at Jamshedpur @ 1200.00 lakh
(sanctioned during 2013-14) 825.00
12. Remaining committed liability towards construction of Archery Academy at Saraikela @ 400.00 lakh
(sanctioned during 2013-14) 196.95
13. Remaining committed liability towards installation of solar Light & Solar Drinking Water System in 96 ST Residential schools and 100 nos. of ST & PTG Villages@ 5 lakh
(sanctioned during 2013-14) 400.00
14. Remaining committed liability towards construction of 5 New 100 bedded ST girls hostel @ 142.00 lakh at Ranchi University campus, Kolhan University campus(Chaibasa), Sidhu Kanhu University campus, Dumka, Neelambar & Petambar University campus(Palamau) & Khuntitoli (Simdega)
(sanctioned during 2013-14) 442.00
15. Remaining committed liability towards construction of 50 bedded ST boys hostel in Kejriwal Institute, Namkum, Ranchi @ 94.00 Lakh
(sanctioned during 2013-14) 40.00
16. Remaining committed liability towards repairing of 9 Meso hospitals situated in Ranchi, Khunti, Lohardaga, Saraikela, Jamshedpur, Jamtara, Sahebganj, Pakur & Dumka @ 40.00 lakh each (sanctioned during 2013-14) 160.00
17. Recurring cost of 4 EMRS
(1200 Students)
Approved with the suggestion to increase the number of the students in the schools to the full capacity i.e. 480 students per school.


(i) Promotion of kitchen garden in Government residential tribal schools.

(ii) Local production of sanitary napkins for the use of tribal girl students.

(iii) Identification and mapping of sporting talents among tribal students and providing sporting facilities in the Government run tribal schools.

(iv) Proper provision of running water facilities in toilets in EMRSs and hostels attached therewith.

(v) Proper upkeep of toilets in EMRSs to ensure hygiene.

(vi) Provision of solar power based warm water facilities in the Government run tribal residential schools / hostels.

(vii) Provision of additional classes for weak students in the subject of Math, Science and English.

(viii) Provision for equipping Science Labs in EMRSs.

(ix) Launching of drive for 100% enrolment of tribal children by involving Government agencies and PRIs in order to improve literacy rate among tribals in the State. 300.00
18. Construction of Welfare Hospitals in ITDA districts @ 500.00 lakh (2 Nos.) 1000.00
19. Promotion of sports among the Tribal students in the State. 100.00
20. Strengthening of TRI in terms of hiring of support staff/ personnel, IT facilities and other required equipment. 100.00
21. Construction of 100 bedded hostels in Ursuline Primary Education College campus, Lohardaga @ 160.00 lakhs 160.00
22. Construction of 20 Training hall cum community centre in tribal areas @ 35 lakh each 350.00
27. Construction of 20 PCC roads in tribal villages @ 15 lakh each
The Committee observed that this activity is primarily supposed to be undertaken through the Schemes PMGSY, MGNREGS and State Government’s relevant Schemes. However, the Committee agreed to sanction the amount as a gap filling measure with the condition:

• to utilize the amount for construction of roads / bridges linking tribal dominated villages where dairy cooperatives are taken up for movement of insulated tankers.

• To provide connectivity to the tribal dominated villages with schools, health centres, training centres, local markets, and other service centres in convergence with the flagship programmes and State TSP funds as a part of VKY Strategy. 300.00
28. Monitoring & Evaluation
Approved with the suggestion to set up a dedicated Programme Implementation Cell to monitor the performance of Tribal Development Initiatives in coordination with ITDP/ITDA, District level organizations and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and also include:

(i) Provision of online facilities for monitoring of progress of work.
(ii) Developing model for convergence of financial and other resources available under TSP component with other line department in the State as a part of VKY strategy. 200.00
29. Construction of ST Boys hostels (14) for residential school run by Department of Welfare in TSP District (@Rs.170.00 lakh) 1250.00
30. Construction of ST Girls hostels (14) for residential school run by Department of Welfare in TSP District (@Rs.170.00 lakh) 1250.00

(Rs. in lakh)
Sl.No. Activities Location Funds approved
Committed Liabilities :
1. Rec. Cost of 4 EMRS
1920 Student (Rs. 806.40 lakhs) At various locations 8038.21

2. Cons. of EMRS at Gumla
(Rs. 86.21 lakhs) Gumla
3. Liability due sanction in 2013-14
(Rs. 545.60 lakhs) -
4. Cons. of 6 no of EMRSs
(Rs. 3600.00 lakhs) West Singhbhum, Pakur, Chhatra, Palamu, Dumka (ITDA) and Giridih (MADA)
5. Cons. of 5 Nos. of 200 seater
co-ed school
(Rs. 3000.00 lakhs) Sahibganj, West Singhbhum, Latehar, Dumka, Khunti
Total – Rs. 8038.21 lakhs
Education :
1. 4 New EMRSs Khunti, Latehar, Saraikela, Jamtara 800.00
2. Furniture/Equipment including for the Kitchen, Dining, Hostel recreation Garden etc @ Rs 10.00 lakh for 4 EMRS Tamar, Ranchi,
Chaibasa, West Singhbhum,
Kathiguria, Dumka,
Barhet, Sahebganj 40.00
Other Activities :
1. Construction of Multipurpose hall cum Training Centre for Tribal Development (which was first sanctioned in 2012-13) Hindpiri, Ranchi 421.39
Administrative Expenditure:
1. 2% monitoring and evaluation 189.78
Total 9489.38


Committed Liability:
(Rs. in lakh)
Sl. No Project Year of first Approval Location/
District Total approved Project Cost Amount Already Released
Amount approved for release
1. Construction of Art and Cultural development Centre (large) @ 500.00 lakh 2011-12 Luguburu ghantabari, Bokaro 500.00 430.00 70.00
2. Recurring cost of 4 EMRSs @ Rs 42000/- per child (Total no of child 1187) 2012-13 Ranchi, Dumka, Chaibasa, sahebganj (ITDA) 498.54 373.90 124.64
3. Construction of Multi Purpose Hall cum Training Centre for Tribal Development 2012-13 Hindpiri, Ranchi 1585.00 521.39 1063.61
4. Construction of 3 units Tribal Art and Cultural Development Centre @ 40.00 lakh 2012-13 (i) Saraikela District in Aadityapur Basti NAC Area, (ii) Kandrabalidih Block, Gamhriya (iii) Vill- Balrampur, Block-Saraikela 120.00 60.00 60.00
5. Construction new HSC Centre (10) @ 27.00 lakh 2012-13 Khunti, Latehar, Jamtara, Sahebjanj, Pakur 243.00 135.00 108.00
6. Cooking gas facilities in 9 ST primary school @ Rs 3.00 lakh 2012-13 9 ST primary school 27.00 16.00 11.00
7. Renovation & white washing of 9 ST Primary school @Rs 5.00 lakh each 2012-13 9 ST Primary school 45.00 31.68 13.32
8. Construction of Teacher residence & Staff quarters in 2012-13 36 primary schools, 8 Eklavya Vidyalaya & 4 Ashram Vidyalaya run by NGO 1615.00 1050.00 565.00
9. Upliftment of ST residential school facilities @ Rs 400.00 lakh 2012-13 All District 400.00 200.00 200.00
10. Repairing of 18 Pahariya health Centre @ 5.00 lakh 2012-13 Dumka, Jamtara, Sahebganj, Pakur & Godda (ITDA) 90.00 40.00 50.00
11. Construction of 50 PCC Roads @ 15.00 lakh each 2012-13 All Districts 750.00 500.00 250.00
12. Construction of 20 Training Hall cum Community Centre @ 35.00 lakh 2015-16 TSP Districts 700.00 350.00 350.00
13. Construction of 28 Hostel in residential school run by department of welfare @ 170.00 lakh 2015-16 TSP Districts 4760.00 2500.00 2260.00
14 Construction of 4 New EMRSs
Khunti, Latehar, Saraikela, Jamtara Distt. 4800.00
800.00 1600.00
Total 6725.57

New Proposals:
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl. No. Activity Location Funds approved
2 Recurring Cost of 7 EMRS for 2280 students (Old EMRS-4X480=1920 student, New EMRS-3X120=360 students) Ranchi, Dumka, Chaibasa, Sahebganj (ITDA), Gumla, Lohardaga, Godda 957.60
3 Construction of 2 no. of EMRS @ 1200.00 lakh
Beneficiaries : 960 Jagannathpur block in Paschimi Singhbhum Distt. and Boarijor block in Godda Distt 1343.76
4 Construction of 1 hostel (50 bedded ) in K.B. School Khuntpain, Beneficiaries : 50 ITDA / West Singhbhum 160.00
5 Upgradation of High school to 10 +2 school
5 school @ Rs. 400.00 lakh per unit
Beneficiaries - 6043 (i) Kanke, Ranchi
(ii) Rajnagar, Saraikela- Kharswan
(iii) Sadar Chaisawa, West Singhbhum
(iv) Jamtara,
(v) Basia, Gumla 2000.00
6 2% monitoring and evaluation TWC 200.00

Annexure 2
Annexure 2 referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2996 for answer on 31.12.2018
Details of works / activities approved by the Ministry under the SCA to TSS and Article 275(1) of the Constitution for the State of Maharashtra during 2015-16 to 2017-18
(i) Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)
Activities/Proposals approved during 2015-16 by PAC under SCA to TSP
(Rs. In lakh)
No. Programme/Activity approved by PAC Amount approved
1. Padkaivikas (Bench Terracing) 950.00
2. Model Solar village project for PvTG Habitations / Padas Villages/Remote villages 1500.00
3 Construction of 2 hostel having cost of 8.64 Cr at Chandrapur and Digras sanctioned in the year 2014-15 264.00
4. Lift Irrigation Scheme for TrimbakeswarTahasil, Dist. Nasik
Construction of KT weir at surpan, TahsilSakri, DistDhule 200.00
5. Climate smart villages being implemented in Nagpur, Palghar & Pune Districts to cover 1000 villages 2150.00
6. Farmers Producer Organisation to facilitate linkages between farmers , processors , traders and retailers to coordinate supply and demand in respect of major produce grown in the tribal regions like Rice, soybean ,pulses, medicinal & aromatic plants &agri allied poultry and dairy units. (25,000/- Advasi farmers are to be covered within four districts of Vidharbha region Yeotmal, Gondia, Bhandara & Amravati Dist along with Thane and Nasik District.) 230.00
7 CFR planning 300.00
8. Introduction of pulses technology in Rice fallow to improve livelihood & nutritional security of Tribal people of Vidarbha region by ICARDA 90.60
9 Tapping and Nurturing Talented Adivasi Children by Moving Academy of Medicine and Biomedicine, Pune 89.50
10 Mogra Cultivation 300.00
11 Monitoring and Evaluation 234.53
12 Establishment of computer lab and providing competitive examination books in government hostels 1320.00
13 Skill Development training for youth 1977.18
14 Pilot project of developing solar Ashram School 500.00
15 Packaged Drinking Water project for tribal co-operative society at Wada Dist Palghar. 92.10
16 Borewell / dugwell with solar pumps (5HP) for irrigation of land given under FRA 2006 1800.00

Activities/Proposals approved during 2016-17 by PAC under SCA to TSP
(Rs. in lakh)
Sl. No. Activities Location Funds approved
1. Construction of compound wall Ashram Schools 700.00
2. Establishment of computer labs & computer training centers on BOT basis in Govt schools 529 Ashram Schools
3. Setting up of Science Laboratories and providing science equipment (Sec and Sr. Sec Govt. schools) 454 Ashram Schools
4. Establishment of Libraries in 12 English Medium, 14 EMRSs & 142 Higher Secondary Ashram Schools 168 schools
1. Providing Basic Ambulance with AYUSH doctor & ANM Ashram schools, EMRS & English medium school 500.00
2. Providing drinking water facilities in Govt Ashram Schools & Hostels facing drinking water scarcity Ashram Schools and Hostels 1000.00
1. Integrated Agriculture Development Programme for IFR beneficiaries 3500.00
Skill Development / Income Generating Activities
1. Skill Development training for youths
Beneficiaries : 1000 (11 trades) 1000.00
2. Supply of Sericulture Unit 15 units
750 beneficiaries Amravati 30.00
3. Establishment of Bamboo processing unit at Gadchiroli
Beneficiaries : 250 (direct) 1200-1500 families (indirect)
Gadchiroli 517.00
Total Rs. 9547.00 lakhs

Activities/Proposals approved during 2017-18 by PAC under SCA to TSP
Committed Liability:
(Rs. in Lakh)
Sl. No. Project Year of first Approval Location/
District Total Project Estimate
Amount Already Released
Amount approved for release during 2017-18
1 Construction of two EMRS 2016-17 (i) Nasik,
(ii) Girchiroli
2400.00 400.00 2000.00
2 Construction of one EMRS 2016-17 Khireparsoda,
Tal. Ramtek,
Dist. Nagpur 1350.00 500.00 450.00
3. Construction of one EMRS 2016-17 Sahashra Kund,
Tal. Kinwat
Dist. Nanded 1600.00 1200.00 400.00
Total: 5350.00

New Proposals:
(Rs. in Lakh)
No. Activity Location Amount approved for released

1. Construction of 2 New EMRS
Total Cost: Rs. 2400.00 Lakh Nandurbar (Dhadgaon) & Padharkawada (PVTG-Kolam) 400.00
2. Running of 14 Ekalavya Model Residential School (EMRSs)
3960 students
Thane (Bordi), Nasik (Mundhegaon), Amravati (Chikhaldara), Nagpur (KhairiParsoda), Nandurbar,
Gadchiroli (Tal Ettapalli),
Gondiya (Tal. Deori), Nashik (Lgatpuri), Bhatsanagar,
Nasik (Tal Satana), Ahmad Nagar(Tal Akole), Nanded (Shahstrakund), Dhule (Pimpalner), Rajura (Devada) 1663.20
3. Recurring Grants for 2 EMRS Nashik & Gadchiroli
Benificaries – 60 students Nashik & Gadchiroli 25.20

4. Upgradation and renovation science laboratory in Junior college, ITDP Ghodegaon ATC Thane ITDP Ghodegaon 5.00

5. Establishment of digital classrooms in English medium govt. ashram school,
ATC Thane ITDP Ghodegaon 15.00

6. Establishment of upgraded library in Govt. Ashram school ATC Thane ITDP 7.50

7. Construction of study rooms in Government Ashram School under ITDP ATC NASHIK ITDP Taloda 292.44

8. Construction of competitive exam study centre with liabrary & furniture. ATC Thane ITDP Dahanu

9. Construction of additional school rooms in Govt Ashram Schools ATC NASHIK ITDP Yawal 66.00
10. Construction of Girls hostel in Govt Ashram School ATC NASHIK ITDP yawal 600.00

11 To supply paver blocks in the periphery of govt. ashram schools (inside campus) ATC NASHIK ITDP Nashik 175.00

12. To conduct comprehensive health camp with health cards @ Rs. 500/student.
Total Cost: Rs.750.00 Lakh
Beneficiaries : 150000 Ashram Schools 375.00

13. Installation of RO water plants in Ashram Schools to provide purified water Total Cost: Rs.4344.00 Lakh
Beneficiaries : 1.8 lakh students. Ashram Schools 3772.00
14. PPP project for health services for ashram school children especially girls with Piramal Foundation and TATA power under SCR-Government partnership
Total Schools : 39
Beneficiaries : 25,000
Total Cost: 600.00 Lakh Jawhar, Mokhada, Talasari, Dahanu
15. Empowering Tribal Communities to improve nutrition & strengthening awareness on nutrition related services.Total Cost: 535.21 Lakh 8 Districts 175.90
16. Construction of check Dams as Minor Irrigation Project in Migration prone area(40 units @ 30 Lakhas each) Nashik Thane Amravati Nagppur Total Cost: 150.00 Lakh
ATC Thane ITDP 150.00

17. Solar dual Pump

Total Cost: 90.00 Lakh ATC Nashik
ITDP Nandurbar 90.00
18. Fisheries Cage to Tribal farmers
Total Cost: 75.00 Lakh ATC Nashik ITDP Nandurbar 75.00
19. Establishment of Warali Haat
Total Cost: 5700.00 Lakh Manor,
Distt. Palghar 500.00
20. Monitoring & Evaluation 2% (MSTDA) 200.00
21. Ethnographic Research Studies (TRTI) of tribes 100.00
22. Setting up of Data Analytics and Project Management Centre for TSP planning and budgeting 365.00

23. Institutional strengthening of offices under Tribal Development Department. 500.00

(ii) Art. 275(1) of the Constitution

Activities/Projects approved during 2015-16 by PAC under Article 275(1) of the Constitution
(Rs. In lakh)
SN. Programme/ Activity approved by PAC Amount Approved
1. Watershed development to check soil erosion & promote insitu moisture conservation and enhance fertility and sustained productivity. (25000 Ha area) 1500.00
2. Construction of wall compounds to Govt Ashram schools / hostels / EMRSs and Support to water sanitation & hygiene (WASH) programme to be implemented with the help of UNICEF to provide all necessary infrastructure like construction of toilets, wash basins, clean drinking water, repairing of toilets etc. 3329.62
3. Roads and bridges to connect PvTGs villages/ pada of 100-200 population & those are not connected to main stream yet (Convergence with MGNREGS / PMGSY) 1500.00
4. Construction of Building for Gondwana Museum and Cultural Centre, Nagpur to preserve, promote and propagate the living culture of the tribals. 1100.00
5. Establishment of hitech sports facilities & equipment''s at Ekalavya Academy of Sports and Entrepreneurship (EASE), Palgharto produce national and international level sports talents in selected sports activities like Athletics, Archery, Handball, Shooting and others. 500.00
6. Tourism Development -1.Kachargad Devasthan, salekasa Dist Gondia 326.76
7. Monitoring and Evaluation 234.02
8. Balance grant for Construction of 3 New EMRS( Hilly area & 1 Plain)-
1.Shendgaon (Bhatsanagar) Tal. Shahapur, Dist. Thane
2. Ajmer Saundane, Tal. Satana, Dist. Nasik (Hilly area)
3. Maveshi (Rajur), Tal. Akole, Dist. Ahmadnagar (Hilly area) 2400.00
9. Construction of Three New EMRS 900.00
10. Recurring grants for 8 EMRS Rs.42000/student (2400 students) 1008.00
11. Recurring grants for 3 New EMRS Rs.42000/student (180 students) 75.60

Activities/Projects approved during 2016-17 by PAC under Article 275(1) of the Constitution
(Rs. in lakh)
S. No. Activities Location Funds approved
1. Construction of 2 New EMRSs i. Gadchiroli, ii. Nashik 400.00
2. Balance grant for construction of three EMRSs i. Nanded, ii. Dhule
iii.Chandrapur 2700.00
3. Balance grant for construction of EMRS sanctioned in 2006-07 Khireparsode, Nagpur 500.00
4. Recurring Grants for 14 EMRSs for 3360 students 14 EMRSs 1512.00
5. Recurring Grants for 2 EMRSs for 180 Students 2 EMRSs

6. Construction of additional class rooms and hostels rooms in Secondary Govt Ashram Schools 142 Ashram Schools 1000.00
1. Development of Sports Facilities
Govt Ashram Schools & EMRSs (529 Ashram schools) 200.00
2. Establishment of Sanitary Complexes
(60 units) Ashram Schools & EMRSs 1500.00
1. Integrated Agriculture Development Programme and allied (animal husbandry, fisheries, dairy development etc.) activities for IFR and CFR beneficiaries under FRA 2006. (91000 ST beneficiaries) Not provided 1500.00
Studies / Other Activities
1. Ethnographic Research Studies (TRTI) of tribes 100.00
2. Monitoring & Evaluation 188.24
S. No. Activities Location
1. Establishment of Warli Haat 1000.00
2. Establishment of innovative concept of Science Centres at Secondary and Higher Secondary Ashram Schools (unit cost Rs. 16 lakhs) Various 50 Schools 400.00
3. Construction of check dam as minor irrigation project in migration prone area (10 units @25 lakh each) Nandurbar and Nashik 150.00
4. Implementation of DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) scheme for Ashram School (529 Ashram schools, beneficiary students – 187392 @unit cost 38000 ) 169.79
5. Establishment of cultural and sports complex for tribal players & artists Pimpalner, Tal Sakri, Dist Dhule 2016.50

Activities/Projects approved during 2017-18 by PAC under Article 275(1) of the Constitution
(Rs. in lakh)
Sl. No. Project Year of first Approval Location/
District Total Project Estimate
Amount Already Released
Amount approved for release during 2017-18
1 Construction of two EMRS 2016-17 (i) Nasik,
(ii) Girchiroli 2400.00 400.00 2000.00
2 Construction of one EMRS 1997-98 Khireparsoda,
Tal. Ramtek,
Dist. Nagpur 1350.00 500.00 850.00
3. Construction of one EMRS 2015-16 Sahashra Kund,
Tal. Kinwat
Dist. Nanded 1600.00 1200.00 400.00
Total: 5350.00

New Proposals:
(Rs. in Lakh)
No. Activity Location Amount Approved

1. Construction of 2 New EMRS
Total Cost: Rs. 2400.00 Lakh Nandurbar (Dhadgaon) & Padharkawada (PVTG-Kolam) 1000.00
2. Running of 14 Ekalavya Model Residential School (EMRSs)
3960 students
Thane (Bordi), Nasik (Mundhegaon), Amravati (Chikhaldara), Nagpur (KhairiParsoda), Nandurbar, Gadchiroli (Tal Ettapalli), Gondiya (Tal. Deori), Nashik (Lgatpuri), Bhatsanagar, Nasik (Tal Satana), Ahmad Nagar(Tal Akole), Nanded (Shahstrakund), Dhule (Pimpalner), Rajura (Devada) 1663.20
3. Recurring Grants for 2 EMRS Nashik & Gadchiroli Benificaries – 60 students Nashik & Gadchiroli 25.20
4. Upgradation and renovation science laboratory in Junior college, ITDP Ghodegaon ATC Thane ITDP Ghodegaon 5.00
5. Establishment of digital classrooms in English medium govt. ashram school, ATC Thane ITDP Ghodegaon 15.00
6. Establishment of upgraded library in Govt. Ashram school ATC Thane ITDP 7.50
7. Construction of study rooms in Government Ashram School under ITDP ATC NASHIK ITDP Taloda 292.44
8. Construction of competitive exam study centre with liabrary & furniture. ATC Thane ITDP Dahanu
9. Construction of additional school rooms in Govt Ashram Schools ATC NASHIK ITDP Yawal 66.00
10. Construction of Girls hostel in Govt Ashram Schools ATC NASHIK ITDP yawal 600.00
11 To supply paver blocks in the periphery of govt. ashram schools (inside campus) ATC NASHIK ITDP Nashik 175.00
12. To conduct comprehensive health camp with health cards @ Rs. 500/student.
Total Cost: Rs.750.00 Lakh
Beneficiaries : 150000 Ashram Schools 375.00
13. Installation of RO water plants in Ashram Schools to provide purified water to students
Total Cost: Rs.4344.00 Lakh
Beneficiaries : 1.8 lakh students. Ashram Schools 3772.00
14. PPP project for health services for ashram school children especially girls with Piramal Foundation and TATA power under SCR-Government partnership Total Schools : 39
Beneficiaries : 25,000 Students.
Total Cost: 600.00 Lakh Jawhar, Mokhada, Talasari, Dahanu
15. Empowering Tribal Communities to improve nutrition & strengthening awareness on nutrition related services.
Total Cost: 535.21 Lakh 8 Districts 175.90
16. Construction of check Dams as Minor Irrigation Project in Migration prone area(40 units @ 30 Lakh each) Nashik Thane Amravati Nagppur
Total Cost: 150.00 Lakh ATC Thane ITDP 150.00
17. Solar dual Pump
Total Cost: 90.00 Lakk ATC Nashik
ITDP Nandurbar 90.00
18. Fisheries Cage to Tribal farmers
Total Cost: 75.00 Lakh ATC Nashik ITDP Nandurbar 75.00
19. Establishment of Warali Haat
Total Cost: 5700.00 Lakh Manor, Distt. Palghar 500.00
20. Monitoring & Evaluation 2% (MSTDA) 200.00
21. Ethnographic Research Studies (TRTI) of tribes 100.00
22. Setting up of Data Analytics and Project Management Centre for TSP planning and budgeting 365.00
23. Institutional strengthening of offices under Tribal Development Department. 500.00
Total 10612.24


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