Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister
of State in the Prime Ministerâs Office. (SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY)
(a): The transfer policy in respect of physically handicapped employees of Government of
India as laid down in the Office Memorandum No.A-B 14017/41/90-EStt(RR) dated 10.5.1990 and
the subsequent Office Memorandum No. AB 14017/16/2002-Estt.(RR) dated 13.3.2002 is annexed.
(b): No, Madam.
(c): Does not arise
(d): No, Madam. In so far as the Department of Personnel & Training is concerned, no
such representation with any specific complaints of irregularities has been received.
(e): Does not arise.
Annexure to Part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No 1425 regarding the transfer
policy of the Government in respect of physically handicapped employees of Government
of India for Answer on 14.08.2013
Office Memorandum No.A-B 14017/41/90-Estt (RR) dated 10th May, 1990 states as under:-
The undersigned is directed to say that a suggestion has been made that physically
handicapped candidates appointed under the Government should preferably be posted in their
native places or at least in their native district. The matter has been examined carefully.
It may not be possible or desirable to lay down that physically handicapped employees
belonging to Group-A or Group-B who have all India transfer liability should be posted
near their native places. However, in the case of holders of Group-C or Group-D posts
who have been recruited on regional basis and who are physically handicapped, such
persons may be given posting, as far as possible, subject to administrative constraints,
near their native places within the region.
2. Requests from physically handicapped employees for transfer to or near their
native places may also be given preference.
3. Suitable instructions may also be issued to all subordinate offices.
Joint Secretary to
the Government
of India
To All Ministries / Departments.
Office Memorandum No.A-B 14017/16/2002-Estt (RR) dated 13th March, 2002 states
as under:-
Reference this Departmentâs O.M.No.AB-14017/41/90-Estt (RR) dated 10.05.1990.
2. It is clarified that the guideline contained in para 2 of this
Departmentâs O.M. dated 10.5.1990 that requests from physically handicapped employees
for transfer to or near their native place may also be given preference, covers
physically handicapped employees in Groups A,B,C and D.
3. Suitable instructions may also be issued to all subordinate offices etc. Sd/- (Alok Saxena) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
To All Ministries / Departments.