(a)&(b): Yes, Sir. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has formulated the draft of a National Tribal
Policy covering various issues such as Alienation of Tribal Land; Tribal-Forest Interface;
Displacement, Rehabilitation & Resettlement; Enhancement of Human Development Index;
Creation of Critical Infrastructure; Violent Manifestations; Conservation & Development of
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups ( PTGs); Adoption of Tribal Sub Plan Strategy;
Empowerment; Gender Equity; Enlisting Support of Non-Governmental Organisations; Tribal
Culture & Traditional Knowledge; Administration of Tribal Areas; the Regulatory & Protective
Regime; Scheduling & De-scheduling of Tribes, etc. The draft Policy has been made available to
members of the public through the Ministry`s website, and copies have been sent to Central
Ministers, State/UT Governments, the Central Ministries/Departments concerned, academicians,
anthropologists, social activists, experts working for the welfare of tribal people, and other
stakeholders, inviting views, comments and suggestions.
(c): As the Policy will have to be finalized after taking into account the comments received, no time
frame for finalization can be given at this stage.