(a) The average annual precipitation of the country is estimated to be 4000 Billion Cubic Metre (BCM). After accounting for the natural process of evaporation etc., the average annual water availability in the country is assessed as 1869 BCM. It is estimated that owing to topographic, hydrological and other constraints, the utilizable water is 1123 BCM out of which 690 BCM is surface water and 433 BCM is replenishable ground water. 629 BCM of water is being utilized for diverse purposes.
The National Commission for Integrated Water Resources Development Plan in its report has projected the estimates of total annual water requirements for various scenarios. The annual water requirement for various sectors has been estimated by the National Commission as under:-
Billion Cubic Metre (BCM)
Sl.No. Uses Requirement
1 Irrigation 524
2 Domestic 30
3 Industries 30
4 Other Uses 45 Total 629
(b) In case of drinking water supply slippage i.e., change of status from fully covered to partially covered habitations occur on account of various reasons including the depletion of ground water table, increase in population, systems having outlived their life etc.
(c) In the context of drinking water supply slippages does not imply any loss of water.
(d) & (e) National Water Policy lays emphasis on conjunctive use of surface and ground water. It states that `integrated and coordinated development of surface water and ground water resources and their conjunctive use, should be envisaged right from the project planning stage and should form an integral part of the project implementation`. As regards maintaining sustainability of ground water resources, the Government of India encourages rainwater harvesting and recharge to groundwater.